Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Levi Nemon, 21 Months, OBM

It is with a heavy heart, sadness and deep pain that we inform you of the tragic and very untimely passing of Yisroel Levi Yitzchok ben Binyomin YBD”L Nemon, OBM, a 21-month-old toddler who fell from a window earlier this morning.

A short while ago came the sad news that Levi Nemon, the toddler who fell from a window earlier this morning, had passed away.

He is survived by his father, Binyomin, and mother, Sarah Rivkah, as well as his siblings.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Thursday, leaving from Shomrei Hadas at 12:30pm and passing by 770 at around 1:15pm.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes



  • eliezer meyer

    Boruch Dayan HoEmes. sad news. May Hashem comfort the Nemons in this time of great sorrow. We NEED Moshiach NOW!!!!

  • Shmulie

    No one can begin to feel their pain. I can not even remotely imagine their tzaar. May we only hear ofsimchos.

  • Naema

    Poor sweet angel. My heart is shattered for the loss of this beautiful baby and his parents and siblings. I can’t imagine the depths of their pain. I really hope Moshiach comes so they can be reunited soon.

  • Zelig Krymko

    Oh my goodness what a tragedy! There are no words. May Hashem comfort the parents and siblings. Feeling destroyed.

  • chana

    What a terrible tragedy. I wish I could tell the mother that this could have happened to anyone!! May Hashem help the family be strong and find comfort.

  • Baruch Dayan Haemet

    I can’t believe this happened…epitome of galus. We need moshiachh now and I pray HaShem gives the family the strength to get through this. Poor little boy, my heart breaks for him and his family. Moshiachh now

  • Annon

    This catastrophe alone should shake the Heavens and force the Ge’Ulo…before the Levaye!

  • Speechless

    A Tragety for all of us , a sad day for everyone!

  • judy frenkel

    Why Hashem gives such precious children to take away only a short time later is beyond understanding. May the famliy be comforted in their grief. that is all we can pray for.

  • Ricky BEHAR

    Sincere condolences to my cousins and their entire family on the tragic loss of their child. Our family all around the country and around the world grieves with you. It is with time, hope and prayer we can ease the pain and find the strength to move forward and find some meaning in the apparent senselessness of this loss. Hazak UBaruch.

  • i dont want to say who

    Baruch Dayen Emes!!! Mochiach now!!! ver sad and tragic!

  • avrahom yaakov weiss

    I’m shocked. Such a horrific, terrible loss. :'( I had ate numerous times at the nemon’s and personally knew their son. :( he was such a sweet boy, like a little malach. I can’t imagine the horror and grief which his mother, father, siblings, and family are going through as a result. Seriously Hashem, Ad mosai! Enough of this cursed golus already. We need Moshiach, things are only getting worse every day the golus continues. Doesn’t our Rebbe care enough about us to prevent these tragedies from occurring? Especially to our children?

    May Hashem comfort and bless the nemon’s amongst all the mourners of tzion and yerushalayim.

    Shocked and heartbroken.

  • Uncle Marcel and Aunt Shirley

    We are deeply saddened at the loss of such a beautiful and sweet child, whom we just recently enjoyed with your family visit to S. Ca. May Hashem protect you and your beloved family. We love you.

  • bracha

    very sad.. horrible tragedy for any family to deal with… apartment windows need to be treated with the same concerns as pools are in south florida and california.. way too easy for a horrible mistake to happen that cannot be repaired. Beautiful neshoma .. just so sad. Davening for his family..

  • cant believe it!

    That’s just horrible!
    How can hashem let that happen to an innocent child!?