The Merkos Shlichus office is pleased to announce that registration is in full gear for summer Merkos Shlichus 5766. Shluchim and Bochrim that are interested in Merkos Shlichus can sign up at

Registration will close on Sunday Ches Sivan – Isru Chag, so please make sure to sign up on time.

Merkos Shlichus Registration is Open!

The Merkos Shlichus office is pleased to announce that registration is in full gear for summer Merkos Shlichus 5766. Shluchim and Bochrim that are interested in Merkos Shlichus can sign up at

Registration will close on Sunday Ches Sivan – Isru Chag, so please make sure to sign up on time.

For any questions please email the Merkos Shlichus office at or by phone 718-774-4000 ext 269.


  • dfdf

    I think its a "SHANDE" that if a bochur wants to go on Shlichus he can ONLY sign up via the internet

    In a time when we are trying to keep yeshiva boys and so on OFF internet, the ONLY way to go on SHICHUS is by going through internet

    A SHANDE!!!!!!!!!!

  • Observer

    To dfdf:

    People like you should be banned from the internet! Why don’t you read the article??? It clearly states a phone number to call if you don’t want to do it over the internet!

    "For any questions please email the Merkos Shlichus office at or by phone 718-774-4000 ext 269."

    And to Webby, I don’t understand why you would publish such an ignorant comment!