BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — This Sunday a Siyom Sefer Torah took place in Memory of Rabbi Chaim (Reb Chaim Tashkenter) and Chava Hurwitz A"H. The Torah was completed at the home of Rabbi Sholom Ber Hurwitz in Flatbush and then a procession was led down Ocean Parkway all the way to United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway where all the Talmidim greeted the Torah, which proceeded with 'Atah Horaisah' and Hakofos.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Siyum and Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Memory of Reb Chaim Tashkent

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — This Sunday a Siyom Sefer Torah took place in Memory of Rabbi Chaim (Reb Chaim Tashkenter) and Chava Hurwitz A”H. The Torah was completed at the home of Rabbi Sholom Ber Hurwitz in Flatbush and then a procession was led down Ocean Parkway all the way to United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway where all the Talmidim greeted the Torah, which proceeded with ‘Atah Horaisah’ and Hakofos.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

One Comment

  • Chani V

    IT was truly Beautiful.. The nicest part of it was when we got to Lubavitch Yeshiva and all the other Sifrei Torah came out to greet the new one… I still have chills,,,,

    It was also really nice to see people on Ocean Parkway stopped at the lights waiting for us to pass clapping and singing along,,

    Zeideh and Bubbeh May your neshomas have aliyas, and poil from the Eibishter to send Mashiach Now!!

    Bassy and Sholom Ber,
    May all the Rebbes brochos be mekuyam for you and your children Bgashmius and Bruchnius!! Here’s to writing a sefer Torah for every one of ur nephews and neices on Shlichus!!