Yud Tes Kislev at Rabbi ‘O’s, YNS NJ

While it is true to say that all Chassidim world-wide have their own unique way of celebrating the Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus; the bochurim of YNS took it to a new level this year.

Together with parents, friends and community members, the bochurim sat to farbreng and grow.

The 8 hour farbrengen started off with Rabbi Orimland telling over the story of Yud Tes Kislev in great detail followed by the Ma’amer nigun. Podah B’sholom was then said over in English by Hatimimim Yehudah Lipkind, Shneur Zalman Franklin, and Yonah Engle. After a few words of inspiration and encouragement by the Shluchim, we once again began the Ma’amer nigun, however, this time Podah B’sholom was said over in Hebrew by Hatmimim Mendy Chaimson, Shai Nodel, Zalman Schwartz, and Simcha Teich.

Being that Chof Kislev was the day the Tanya was printed; a few bochurim took upon themselves to chaazer over pieces of Tanya. Hatimimim Shimon Feldman and Ashi Andrusier finished off the Tanya, with Hatomim Mendy Chaimson beginning the cycle once again.

Thirty days before a Yom Tov, you begin to prepare. A big yasher koach to the Shluchim: Shmuly Raskin, Yaakov Yehuda Polter, Yitzchok Abend, Menachem Habib, Chaim Guarie, Yisroel Binstock and Mendy Krinsky for putting together such a beautiful mivtza as a preparation for Yud Tes Kislev. Among other prizes awarded to the participants, a $100 Apple gift card was won by Hatomim Avremele Lichtenstien, as well as a Windows Tablet by Hatomim Shai Nodel.

The farbrengen ended at 4 in the morning after many hachlotos were made in the zechus for a refuah shelaimah for Zev ben Kochavah, the Israeli soldier that was critically injured in the bus accident in Israel, whose brother is one of the students at the yeshiva.