Didan Notzach Farbrengen in Campus Chomesh

Hundreds of Anash and Bochurim took part in a Farbrengen celebrating 20 years to the victory in the case of the Seforim – Didan Notzach, the Farbrengen took place in the Rosa Hall in Campus Chomesh, Bais Rivkah. The Farbrengen was emceed by R. Zev Katz, the speeches opened up with a Dvar Malchus by R. Yoel Kahan followed by R. Yisroel Friedman, R. Moshe Bogomilsky, Shlich to Wisconsin R. Yisroel Shmotkin, Shliach to Bel Harbor, Florida R. Sholom Lipsker, Shliach to Milan, Italy R. Moshe Lazar and R. Lipa Schapiro.

You can listen to the entire Farbrengen by Click Here! [STREAM, WMA, 28.9MB, 1:45:34]

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