Photos: Oihel Nosson Hosts Yud Shvat Farbrengen

Oihel Nosson hosted a grand Melava Malkah and Farbrengen Motzai Shabbos in honor of Yud Shvat. Farbrenging with the crowd was Rabbi Shalom Moshe Paltiel, Shliach in Port Washington, NY.

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  • participant

    Rabbi Paltiel, that was the best farbraingen i had in 6 years. Der aibershter zal dir bentchen, Thank you.

  • Proud Member

    Rabbi Paltiel came across as real and genuine.
    Iv’e never stayed at a farbrengen as long as I stayed at this one.
    A huge thank you goes to the board of Oihel Nosson, especially Yoni Raskin for the preparations to make this such a success.
    Rabbi Paltiel please come back soon.