CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Another year of achievements and accomplishments was marked the students of Darchai Menachem in a graduation ceremony with their proud parents in attendance.

Darchai Menachem Graduates!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Another year of achievements and accomplishments was marked the students of Darchai Menachem in a graduation ceremony with their proud parents in attendance.

At the conclusion the staff sung a song written and directed by Zalmy Shrieber, a Darchai Menachem staff member, titled “Touched by Care” the single is due to be released this coming Tishrei. The song talks about the type of school that Darchai Menachem is.

Hatzalah Check

In the beginning of the year two brothers collected Tzedakah throughout the year by Minyan, and when the year ended the students voted where to give the collected money. The vote turned out to be Hatzalah, and all the money which was collected penny by penny amounted to a sizable $456.36 (!), which was presented to representatives of Hatzalah who attending to accept the huge check.


  • A very happy Darchai parent

    This was such a beautiful and special event….just like Darchai Menachem! There is no finer Jewish yeshiva anywhere. The remarkable students, the incredible teachers! Yasher Koach Darchai!

  • a very impressed parent

    There are no words to express the warmth,caring, sensitivity and love that is displayed towards the students. This school exemplifies the very best that the Rebbe wanted from us. The administration, rebbeim and everyone involved with this school has an aura of integrity that is so rare. These students will truly grow and give their parents,family,the Rebbe and the whole community tremendous nachas. May you go from strength to strength. It is an oasis of holiness in our shechuna.

  • ec

    I couldn’t say it better than “a very impressed parent”.
    It truly is an oasis of holiness, and its inside and out, what the Rebbe wants.
    This mosad celebrates each child’s special-ness and differences in a way that makes them use those qualitys L’Tova.
    There are only winners there, each child comes out winning, with their best qualities shining. A gift OF life, and a gift FOR life.
    Yashar Koach to ALL the staff…..EACH one of you shine in the kedusha that the Rebbe brings us from HaShem.
    It is beyond what I ever thought I’d find, and have given me, as a parent, much more chizuk. I don’t think that anyone can understand what we’re saying unless you have a child, friend or relative in this place.