ABOUT FACE: Oholei Torah Reinstates ‘Fired’ Teachers

In a complete about-face, Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld, the Executive Director of Oholei Torah, sent out a midnight email informing parents of the ‘resumption of duties’ of the two faculty members that were dismissed in light of their involvement in recent controversies surrounding the Call of the Shofar.

This past Monday, Oholei Torah sent out an email notifying parents and faculty members that Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg and Rabbi Zalman Goldstein were dismissed due to their involvement in actively recruiting others to participate in the contentious weekend seminars.

In a complete about-face, Oholei Torah has announced that they reversed their decision and reinstated the two faculty members.

The letter explains that a “Dr. of psychology with an expertise in mind control and exploitative groups (cults)” assessed the faculty members, along with a “local community physician,” conducted a comprehensive investigation into the matter and found them to be free of any “undue influence from alleged ‘brain washing.'”

Before announcing the dismissal of Rabbis Sternberg and Goldstein, calls for swift action by the school ran rampant in the social media-sphere and in the comments section of this website. The tides though quickly turned once the announcement was made, with the “Shiur Daled Students” leading a campaign to have their Mashpia reinstated.

The following is Rabbi Rosenfeld’s letter in its entirety:

To the Parents and Faculty of Oholei Torah,

I am writing you regarding the faculty members of our institution that were in the center of the recent issues.

We have invested a great deal of time, effort and lengthy discussions and consultations with morei hoirah and distinguished people to come to a responsible conclusion. In addition Oholei Torah has procured the services of a Dr. of Psychology with an expertise in mind control and exploitative groups (cults) to comprehensively assess all aspects this situation. We have also consulted with a local community physician.

After a comprehensive investigation into this matter, the said faculty members have been found to be free of any undue influence from alleged “brain washing”. Parents should rest assured that these devoted and talented mechanchim are not a risk to their talmidim, and will be resuming their duties.

We acted quickly, out of our first and foremost concern for the well being and welfare of our talmidim.

Our efforts towards fully investigating this complex issue continues and further steps will be implemented to assure the safety, security and chinuch of our talmidim.

May we be זוכה לתלמידים הרבה, and fulfill the Rebbes brochos of ראו גידולים שגידלתם, and march אנקעגען משיח צדקנו.

Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld,
Executive Director

PS. I reiterate that only I and no other individual or group of the facility has the right to issue statements or speak in the name of the Mossad with regards to COTS or any other issue.

This article has been updated since being published.


    • money talks and bull walks

      seems that the right amount of money can buy you any opinion needed in order to substantiate whatever it is you wish to do.

      get an opinion of a psychiatrist in less then a day? -yep, for the right price.

      how about a local doctor? -yep again, for the right price.

      but to the admin of oholei torah, dont think for a second you are fooling anyone into thinking that any of this actually took place. you are lying to us and now we surly do not know if COTS is bad or worse.


  • Yitzchok Halevi

    This is a welcome development. The initial decision was impulsive as indicated in the letter “We acted quickly”. The bochurim who opposed the firings are to be commended for standing up and insisting that the hanhala & board act with the wisdom that should be expected of them. As I stated yesterday, you can’t fool young people with hypocricy. They will call you on it.

    • What money??

      Money doesn’t grow on trees.
      Truth does!
      “Emes Me’eretz Titzmach” (Psalms 85:12)

  • Finally...

    Those who know don’t talk
    Those who talk don’t know.

    No test was needed.

    Fine men. Fine endeavor.

    No need to welcome you. You never left.

    Admin may be angry.

    Students are happy. That’s what matters most!

    Haters gonna hate…

    Find the flaws in your hearts that caused you to act so hatefully…

    Dig deep. The flaws are not hard to find…

    There will be no need to welcome you back, either.

    We love you unconditionally, and you have never left our hearts!

  • What MONEY!!!

    There’s no MONEY involved, he spent the whole day with real DR.s investigating.. The Man isn’t evil… Anybody who knows him knows that

  • Thank you!!!

    Ohelei torah! BOLD MOVE TO come back amd stand for truth.
    And at the same time taking care of all his odd issues by putting him thru the dr etc!! BEST OF BOTH WORLDS…AWESOME COmPRIMISE…lets all smile, rejooce AND BE POSITIVE. You guys did whats good for the bochrim and not for the media!!!

    … if u actually ever beein in the hallways of oholei torah,I personal am there daily. its a buetoful sight. The kids dont know the scary world amd they are so inncoent. Now they have thier princble back safe amd sound. And we have our mashpia!!!
    LETS MOVE ON with maseh bpoel :)
    Jj duchman

  • KuDOS

    Everyone is only human and can sometimes give in to preasure but at the end he made the right decision!!! Great to hear

  • 2aM!!!

    Wow! its 2am new york time… thanks CH.info for posting despite the late hour :-)
    I was just heading to bed here in LA…
    Such great news!
    I am reassured to see that the school has the integrity to turn around so quickly. I am sure its hard to do whats right at the cost of coming across as flip-floppers…

  • Lechaim

    How about a nice achdus farbrengen now…
    Our community was shredded to pieces in the last two weeks.
    We are bleeding!
    Let’s call and achdus farbrengen and come with open and loving hearts… The Rebbe will no doubt be there to address us!

  • "Col" of the shofar

    The real issue is not KOL of the shofar that’s just a bunch of people trying to make a living.

    “col” of the shofar is trying to destroy everything the rebbe has built throughout the years!

    • favor. change of heart

      to kol col
      He’s talking about collive. collive is trying to destroy everything.

  • B"H....

    I was never a talmid of Rabbi Sternberg but when i was in OT I witnessed on a regular basis his devotion and sincerity to his Talmidim.
    it makes me sick to think of the shallowness of so many people eager to place the blame, and besmirch others (huh! chances are my comments are gonna get a punch or two on this thread :-) )
    Rabbi sternberg is human and so is Rabbi rosenfeld
    accept it! YOU THE READER may be perfect but the rest of us….
    I think it only fitting that sites like shturem in hebrew should post a apology for comments like- rabbi sternberg’s “DEEP INVOLVEMENT WITH A CULT”
    what have we become?!
    CNN , BBC , maybe the israeli knesset? lol
    what a chutzpah! to make such a comment!
    lets see if they post any apology!

    • You are right!

      There was a lot of crazy bashmutzing going on. It is still not over.

      BH that OT reversed their decision.

      At least the people in charge there had the courage to retract, unlike those who launched this Jihad against innocent lubavitchers who went to a retreat.

      While the toichen of the Asifa was generally positive, the idea of making it only fanned the flames of hysteria to absurd proportions.

  • goes to show

    If firing was a tough decision, then rehiring was even harder!!!
    They must have done serious research and testing these people…
    Bear in mind, these people were serious members and recruiters, yet they are free of all “brainwashing” and “mind control”
    one would imagine that they involvement to such a great extent was due to their being brainwashed and mind-controlled.
    Goes to show the whole brainwashing thing was a silly concern in the first place!
    A bunch of superstition and hogwash!
    Bless you Rabbi Rosenfeld!
    Bless you CH.info for your late night posting! Greatly appreciate your speed of reporting and timely updates!

  • iskafya

    I wanted to post something that i wanted to say but im not posting it because its a waste of everyones time

  • "Col" of the shofar

    Check out our fb page “col of the shofar” it’s time to put an end to Chabad “lite” take a stand like and share the page!!!!!

  • B"H....2

    I normally don’t read through the posts on articles but this time i was realy annoyed and got all worked up.
    but one thing I have to say to all the bochur critics.
    all us nice “angels” out there quoting sichos from the Rebbe about how bochurim shouldn’t be envolved in this and blah blah!!
    big Tz’adikels who think the bochurim should mind there own buisness ….
    the Rebbeh on accasions when asked how a person should know what’s right said ” you should find out what the bochurim think”
    so for all us computer junkies wasting time posting stuff (myself included) the bochurim were very clear on what was the right thing! and it wasn’t a stupid chilldish game it was lubavitch saying, shouting, “the buck stops here”!!

    • you should find out what the bochurim think?

      “the Rebbeh on accasions when asked how a person should know what’s right said ” you should find out what the bochurim think””

      Which Rebbe? When and where did the Rebbe ever say such a thing?

  • what?

    I still think there is a problem and hopefully it is going to be worked on, namely Their judgement about promoting cots.
    I hope this decision is unrelated to the bochurim, but only to Rabbi Rosenfelds best judgement.

  • bechiya ledorot

    אם אין גדיים אין תיישים

    אבער סוף סוף ער וועט באוויזען זיין אמעתר פנים
    אשין מיט דריי קעפלאך
    השם ישמור וירחם….

  • Welcome to Chelm Heights

    BH, at least the right action was taken and the Rabbis are reinstated.

  • Yes

    Yechi Yoshke Rosenfeld
    Chiff Galach
    Church of Scientalegy
    667 Eastern Parkway
    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    • yes

      yes all in the name of “Chasidus”…..

      Ye Ye you only mean “Chasidus REBBE

      worried for bochurim

    • Yitzchok Halevi

      Your comments are detrimental. You appear to enjoy Machlokes. Find something valuable to do with your time that will give you a feeling of accomplishment

    • I am at a loss for words!

      I cannot begin to understand how someone can have the audacity to write something like that. Do you realize you are talking about a real person. Forget this controversial issue. Does it not say that the basis of the Torah is about Ahavas Yisroel. (see the Talmud tractate Shabbos 31a and Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 17 pp. 215-224)

      On Sukkos, Shabbos Beraishis 5719, in between Sichos, the Rebbe called out to an individual in the crowd at the Farbrengen “Vu iz der Kohen Gadol, zol er zagen L’chaim.” Many were confused as to who the Rebbe was referring to. It was soon understood that the Rebbe was looking for Rabbi Rosenfeld. Please have some respect and leave your hateful comments off public forums. I’m positive you didn’t really mean what you wrote.

  • Behind the scenes

    It was wrong that they went. It was wrong that they encouraged others to go. It may have been wrong to “fire” them. Giving them a warning about not discussing Call of the Shofar and monitering them might have been enough but it was totaly expected that they would have been back shortly anyway.

    The question is who is making the decisions and what are the motivations. If the email below had anything to do with it then there is an issue – Here’s an “internal” email from behind the shofar line sent out to the group of followers of the great and only Simcha:

    “Lets not judge Rosenfeld, i spoke to his son, the Rosenfeld’s were intimidated and harrased, they were lead to believe that the handful of noisy agitators represented a more than it actually does.

    Now their looking how to save face and inch their way back without looking too cowardly for collapsing soo quickly

    you may call Rabbi Rosenfel and leave a positive message of support and encouragement for him not to be intimidated by those with bitterness in their hearts (nebach).

    718-774-5050 x2102

    Remember, these people (the Rosenfelds) are scared and need reassurance not more aggravation, please be considerate and supportive.”

    Fact: Most shofar blowers blow really loud and proud and are still high as a kite from their trippy touchy feely three day experience and will be good followers and take the suggestion that “you may call”… Oh so subtle and oh we’re not telling you to call but “you may” call…

    Hopefully the right people are making the right decisions for the right reasons, not because a group of shofar blowers are tooting their own horn.

    The other issue with this letter is putting “brain washing” in quotes. The shofar blowers may not have been brainwashed but they were definitely affected in a big way – they will tell you so themselves – and sadly they all sound the same and repeat a lot of robotic programmed talking points (mainly from these emails). They are all anxiously waiting for the official email from the great and only Simcha so they can have a few more lines added to their rolodex of explanations and benifits of Call of the shofar.

    So even if they weren’t technically “brain washed” Oholei Torah has to be careful about not downplaying the issue (with the issue) of Call of the Shofar. Especially after all the damage that’s already been done by so many of their staff being involved in it.

    The thing was a sham from the start but people kept saying “you know who goes there?”, “___ goes there”, “you’d be surprised who goes there” and so a couple of friends bouncing around like jumping jacks telling you how amazing it was and how they can’t tell you what happens there cuz it will “ruin it”, “it’s a surprise” …would also drop a couple of names of “big” people from “big” Mosdos that go and if you has any doubts that would reassure you. And that’s how the fish they caught got bigger and bigger and the crowd itself got larger and larger.

    Oholei Torah you helped with the mess now help with the clean up. The issue is not call of the shofar. The issue is that people are hurting and need guidence. Start providing for their needs. Spend your time worrying about their mind, heart, body and soul – the complete person and you can help produce people who are healthy, happy, proud and excited to be who they are that they could never be so foolish and naive to fall for a used landmark salesmen and can go on to change the world for good.

    You have a lot of work cut out for you… Hatzlacha Rabba!

    • Nice points but...

      You are quick to interpret things negatively.
      It’s as though you were looking at COTS through certain “Lenses”.

      For example: He wrote “You may call…” and you interpret that as slyness. And if he would have wrote “You should call…” you’d say “You see! They’re brainwashed to listen to him, and he is able to command them to do things!”.

      Though those “lenses”, you can interpret anything and everything negatively.

      Consider this line someone shared with me:

      What’s worse than being brainwashed into a cult?
      Being brainwashed that everything and everyone is bad.

      Please think about it.

  • disappointed

    I finally thought OT was getting it right and now they are letting them back in – so quickly..

  • shame on you

    These people are damaged and like everything in crown heights you can get any opinion about anything
    I.e if brown and shwaei say it’s allowed go to asdeba and he will give you a hetter
    So ours what you want the reason they kicked out these people is not just under the assumption but the fact that these people went to Colts and need help
    But no you go ahead and let them back in because you buckled from pressure and you gave in
    You showed that OT is running by a bunch of flies by knights
    And don’t stand for what wright but only for what the people want meaning whomever bullies better is going to win
    You can just give a medication and the problem goose away you have to do a masseh for that to happen
    Like the mashpia should go to rehab and get fixed up
    And this dose not happen in two days

  • Dr. of Psychology

    I went to my Dr. of Psychology and he asserts the after 15 years the “mind control” and “brain washing” which I recieved in the Ohlei Torah cult is still effecting me!

  • hope

    i realllly hope they and the mechanchim are really free from this cots mentality…can it be so fast?

    worried mom.

    • hope

      keep on worrying, its healthy for you.
      at least you have something to do with yourself

  • the chossid

    #8 it should read” my friend and I” what do you expect from Oholei Torah,I hope COTS teaches english grammar. good luck.

  • not brainwashed??

    Oh! So if Sternberg isn’t brainwashed maybe shofar isn’t so detrimental after all!

    I wanna to work on some personal growth in my own life, going thru pain, I will therefore be heading to the upcoming shofar program.

    The full beis din didn’t give a psak, bec rabbi osdoba wasn’t a part in it. And soon they will probably reverse the other psak.

  • parent

    Only one of them is talented and should berehired the other ahould be fired. I won’t name names but I’m sure all the parents know which is who

  • okay but

    what about an apology?! what about acting recklessly due to pathetic pressure and on the way destroying someones reputation and dignity??? what is with ot? do they not realize that theyre dealing with people’s lives here???

  • i can tell you that much

    – coming from OT or going to OT is unfortunately just not going to have the same meaning anymore

  • Glad they came to their senses

    I’m glad ot hired them back but something here seems a bit off. They went to call of the shofar. they heard negative things about it. they backed off and stopped any involvement. along with many other ot staff members and lubavitchers who were unaware of the subtle dangers invovled. so wat just happened here???? why are they fired because of a few bored people creating a scam about this??? and then they realized how ridiculous they are so they hire them back. a bunch of foolish people who dont seem to realize that they are taking DEVOTED IBERGEGEBENE MECHANCHIM WHO CARE ABOUT OUR YOUTH AND GIVE THEIR LIVES TO EDUCATE THEM IN THE SPIRIT OF TORAH AND CHASSIDUS and they treat them like A PIECE OF DIRT. why is this being allowed to happen???????????????????????????? wake up everyone!!! dont you realize wat kind of abuse is going on here????

  • Humility v humiliation

    Rabbi Rosenfeld’s knee-jerk reaction to fire the teachers came back to bite him. But I give him a lot of credit- he reversed his hasty and careless decision.

    Whether or not he bowed to pressure from Bochurim (I think not) or pressure by lawyers &/or a Din Torah (I think so) he has done the smart thing. But the tragedy is, OT has lost a lot of credibility in the community and further afield. Parents will be watching their kids very closely. Personally, just like we pull in counselors to speak to staff and students when there is a tragedy R”L, OT should send its teachers, esp those who were caught up in This garbage to be evaluated abd counseled by therapists who are expert in deprogramming. And parents should have those resources made available to the students as well.

    I wonder what will happen to this snake-powder organization and to the lost souls who swear they are “better people” as a result of this expose.

  • Typical of OT

    They don’t know whether they coming or going!
    And then we wonder why so many lost teens here in CH??!!

  • ot

    Not saying they should have been fired dont know any details but just from observing OT your a pathetic as a Yeshiva stop airing out your dirt laundry not to your benefit

    • Agreed!

      I cannot agree more. Its embarrassing enough for those 2 rabbonim that they have to walk around now with everyone giving them looks. OT you made a bad stink out of this by going public!

  • In the know

    If you think that this decision was reversed because of the backlash of bochurim or comments on the Web then get a job and a life and be productive and useful.
    All I will say is Rabbi Rosenfeld אין כמוך ויאריך ימים על ממלכתו בבריאות הנכונה
    Before making a comment and expressing your opinion just put in a fraction of what Rabbi Rosenfeld puts in to community work

  • this is NO WAY endorses shofar

    why does anyone think that reinstated means shofar is ok????
    trust me- another step in this direction again will have them out again.
    im hoping theyre let back in cuz they let go of shofar.

    • Dr Tuma

      we have our self’s a TUMA EXPERT

      Tuma evaluator do you take food stamps or medicaid

      You need a Doctor

  • OT parent

    I hope the school will really investigate. My young sons are coming home talking about this sad situation without understanding. One heard staff members talking about going after the Assifa. How were mechanchim encouraged to attend without investigation by senior staff members and Rabonim?

    • OT

      keep on steering the pot of hate,
      that’s shows how much love you have for your children

  • OT did the right thing!

    The truth is, everyone knows that even though Shofar was a bit of a weird program it was not a cult or a’z. The only reason that this ever got so far was because COL was trying to make money off this tragedy.
    I am impressed that CH info is much more responsible than COL, which allowed total lies being said in people’s name.
    I think that CHinfo should become the official website for the Chabad community, because they consult with responsible people and behave in a responsible fashion.
    I think this story gives us great hope for the future of our community. People always say, what will be with the youth? I really think we don’t have to worry about our youth – they are really the best ever.
    Even though they have grown up post gimmel tammuz, they are true chassidim and understand that defamation and lies are disgusting.
    If this is our future, I think that we will be ok as a community. IyH, the young people will become leaders and rabbonim and they will make great and positive changes.
    Thank you CH info for putting integrity above money like the rag COL. COL should be boycotted.

  • So happy!


    R Goldstein and R sternberg are super dedicated and forward thinking mechenchim.

    They have done much work to advance the chinuch and chassidishkeit of our children.


  • "local Dr"

    What does a dr. know about this.

    the Rebbe has over and over again said an expert in the specified field. This is not about straight medicine. it’s about psychology.

  • agree with #31

    we the “anti terrorists” should support Rabbi Rosenfeld in his move to have fired staff. Many of the comments were obviously from the “terrorists” clan, as they were singing the same theme of “devotion”. The voice of truth must be heard. Korech cannot win this time. Rabbi Rosenfeld, please do what is right for our boys, nothing less. Ultimately that is what will make O.T. succeed. We are counting on you to be strong, HKBH should give you Kol Tuv.

    • Look at yourself...

      The hatred that you are brewing by your comment is worse than the possibility of “avodah zara”. OT will succeed if people would be more careful with the way they speak about fellow Yidden.

  • Citizen Berel

    Boruch Hashem. Good to hear. No Yid should lose a parnossa.

    Will send kids…to Rabbi Y. Paltiel.

  • Change The board!!!!!

    This is why rabbi rosenfeld should give his seat to a rabbi who understand today generation! !!!

  • Yisroel

    A few things need to be said: Just because someone took the techniques of the 1960’s and 1970’s marathon encounter groups and gave it a fancy name with a Jewish levush, does not mean that it is anything other than what it is. A powerful “laxative” to open up people who are emotionally farshtopt. You take it when you need it. It is not, and never was, a substitute for normative Judaism. If any refuah is made from “chazer fetz,” a competent Rov has to be consulted regarding if, and how to take it. When the Rebbe spoke about deveoping a “kosher” form of meditation, he was very specific that it should NOT be dressed up in the levushim of Yiddishkeit, and for sure not in the levushim of any other religion. Baruch Ha-Shem the hanholo of Oholei Torah came to their senses and re-hired the two rabbis. Presumably they have learned a lesson and will be more caeful in the future. This having been said, it is very important for those who work in chinuch to find authentic ways to reach the youth and yungeleit, to help them find the answers to “all of their questions,” within the teachings of Chassidus and Halachic Judaism.

    All the best.


    i think this should be a wake up call for r sternberg to apologize to r. piekarsky…i guess r.sternberg now knows what it feels like. and btw when you tell bochurim not to go to the ohel they look for other outlets like cots….stop the bs and dont brianwash young bochurim with narishkeit.

  • Dr ?

    In the interest if transparency and we pls Know who this mystery dr. Is? Maybe he / she can help others ?

    • none

      none I hope. If you want board of ED certified go to public school. Then your kids will look like public school kids

  • shame

    shame on Oholei Torah – they cant even stand behind their own decisions. These two people dont belong in yeahiva

  • Sceptic

    Why doesn’t Rabbi Rosenfeld write which “Dr of psychology” or “community physician”? It sounds pashkvilish.

  • Shoot first - ask questions later

    First letter from R Rosenfeld:
    “The Executive Board has conducted a thorough and ongoing inquiry…regarding members of our faculty promoting an alternative healing program…Furthermore, we have spent these last few days intensely learning and investigating all the particulars surrounding the above-mentioned matter. We have been working with halachik authorities, professional and medical personals to guide us appropriately.”

    Now he writes:
    “We acted quickly”

    This shows the lack of proper leadership – OT shoots first and asks questions later. Shecht the person first and investigate later.

    This is appalling!

  • to 67

    how may of mechanchim in the frum world anywhere teaching Jewish subjects are certified and thats not the point we have our mashpia back. they did the right thing.

  • yankel der shlepper

    Two weeks ago R’ Yoel demanded that S”S give a written oppology in front of Rabbonim. S”S didn’t do it yet.

    It woould be interesting to know what were two brotheres of S”S doing two nights ago by R’ Braun and meeting afterwards with R’ Rosenfels and again with S”S father meeting yesterday with R’ Rosenfeld.

    Ah, Where is R’ Michoel Teitelbaum OBM. This wouldn’t happened by a man of principles like him.

  • New Hanhola Now

    the community has t wake up and say – OT needs a new director, someone with vision, someone who wont buckle under pressure and someone to take us all out of this Blotteh..

    Yossel did great but now its time to move on…

  • Dovid H.

    No transparency when it is needed. If decisions are made impulsively without taking in account possible consequences then the second decision is worse than the first decision.
    The so called “BADATZ” are supporters of the other cheider and are probably satisfied to see OT tumbling or at least in chaos. The website that supports them is the proof since that website suports COTS despite the letter of this BADATZ.

    The inside politics of OT are another story.
    CHI, maybe you condict an interview with Rabbi Yisroel Friedman and/or Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitskly the only two decent people in OT zal. we didn’t hear a word from them in this whole story.

    the conclusion is that this moisad is running by people that change their minds so fast that there is no wonder that their staff cn be brainwahsed.

  • Messianic cult

    Now we have to bust the messianic cult that’s taken over 770. It’s a מחלוקת לשם שמים at the end it will endure.

    • Look at yourself...

      Dont take machlokes lshem shamayim into your own hands. Us people should stay on the safe side of ahavas yisroel and sholom


    Unfortunately there are no principles anymore .

    The corrupt are guided by the smell of money.

    Do you want to know why the Rebbe zt”l suggested to the Bochrim to say Tehillim when they didn’t like something the Yeshiva administration was doing?

    Because this is what the Rebbe had to do himself.

    When it came to Chinuch (education) and the way the Mosdos should be ran, the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l unfortunately had no say. (He said a lot, but nobody paid any attention).

  • concerned

    are the mechanchim pure or not…? oholei torah…please investigate thoroughly. no parent should have to worry about if their child is going through a real chassidishe school or if it may chas vshalom be tainted.
    please Rebbe help us now!!

  • Letter to Rabbi Rosenfeld

    Dear Rabbi Rosenfeld
    Your last moves are shocking! You are not running a private business. Our children’s future is in YOUR HANDS! If OT would be a public moisad, a thorough investigation would have been in place to clarify what are the motives behind your decisions.
    1. The moisad fired a Rabbi who was the Menahel of the Zal for many years. If he was good till then why was he fired. if he wasn’t good why did he last so long?
    2. Staff of the moisad particiapted in retreats and workshops that were denounced by our Rabbonim. The moisad fired only two members of the staff, probably “after investigating”.
    3. The moisad (within 24 hours) drew back the firing of the two staff members.

    Without taking any sides if the moisad was right or wrong what is the message YOU are sending to the staff, parents, financial supporters and on top of all the students.

    The process of decision making in OT should be transparent especially that YOU admit for deciding too quickly.

    You lost a lot of points by me and by many others who supported the moisad till now. You showed the entire world that you are not a responsible person, not trustworthy and your conduct as the head of an educational institution is QUESTIONABLE!

    • commenter

      you are part of the problem!
      You think that people should be running their lives and mosdos on the account of them wining/losing a few points by you.
      Get off your high horse.
      He did the right thing both times.
      You obviously have hate in your heart.
      Where there is no hate and prejudice, there is room for another person and their ideas.

  • Rabbi Rosenfeld

    Yossel Rosenfeld was never the smartest person in town.
    He understands very little about chinuch.(not to say he doesn’t care about the mossad-which he does)
    Now he looks so stupid, to both sides of the coin. Yossel you cannot work on impulse, You have to think things through and get advice from the professionals (which I don’t believe you did)
    Anyway I wish the teachers and talmidim hatzlacha

    • Lashon Hara

      You are stepping on every halacha in regards to lashon hara and ahavas yisroel. It is NEVER okay to talk negatively about another yid, no matter how wrong you think he is.

    • A grateful mechanech

      When you have to put together a million plus dollar monthly payroll, and have the responsibility of hundreds of people’s children on your head, please come back with an opinion.

  • Yitzchok Halevi

    Just a funny aside. At the top of this Web Page there is an ad that states “Give them a second chance”. For a minute, I thought it was about this story. Then, upon closer inspection, I saw that it was about donating used clothing.
    I guess everything and everybody needs a “second chance”.

  • Everyone...

    Everyone who has written something unkind about a fellow yid, regardless of what “side” you’re on: please realize your mistakes of lashon hara and embarassing people publicly (which is equivalent to shfichus damim), and take the brave step to apologize, in the same form that you hurt others. Post a comment of apology. Let’s flood the Aibershter with so much nachas from our Ahavas Yisroel that He will surely send Moshiach Now!

    • So true

      Thank you for putting things in perspective for me. I wrote unkind things above about R Sternberg and R Goldstein. And you’re right. Even if I don’t take their side, I still shouldn’t have written like that. It’s never okay to hurt others with words. I sincerely apologize.

    • Agree

      I wish there was a way to undo the hateful things I said.
      I hope to find the courage to talk to the people directly to apologize.
      HAshem We want MOSHIACH!!!

  • Good

    Great they are back.
    Now they can continue to tell the bochurim not
    to go to the ohel etc etc.

    “taharas hakokesh”!!!

    • yanky bennish

      Ummm… Maybe you need to recheck the OT heskem contract, every bochur must sign to go with the yeshiva to the ohel monthly. Your lies against the rebbes moisad hurt him

  • You're right

    I did post hateful comments above. I wasn’t thinking about the bigger picture. I should have been far more sensitive to the feelings of fellow Yidden. I apologize for writing so insensitively about Rabbi Rosenfeld. It was wrong of me and I only hope my apology will be one of many to bring the Geulah closer.

  • Rabbi Rosenfeld is a great man!!!

    Rabbi Rosenfeld is a great man!!!

    Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new (Albert Einstein)

    The fact that he realized he made a mistake, and so quickly corrected the mistake, shows that he is truly a special person.

    To err is human, to correct the mistake, divine.

    It’s no wonder that Oholei Torah is one of the strongest moisdos in Lubavitch.

    We learn from our mistakes, not from our success!

    Kol Hakovod Rabbi Rosenfeld.

  • Greatly Troubeling

    As the Menahel of Ohelei Torah for over 50 years Rabbi Rosenfeld made a decision after consultation with his board to immediately remove the cancer that was invading the body of the institution that he loves.

    Prior to 3 Tammuz no sane person would question his decision. Everyone knows that the Rebbe would completely support his decision.

    Rabbi Rosenfeld courageously made a decision despite pressure from major donors but could not ignore the unprecedented demand from the rabbonim that he immediatly rescind his decision

  • Follow the Money

    Crown Height has the best Rabbonim that money can buy.

    Schwei and Braun are an embarrassment to the community

  • I support Rabbi Rosenfeld

    He had the courage to realized that the handful of hot heads had other motives up their sleves

    And those “former” staff from cots who suddenly had a public apifiny are merly trying to distance themselves for fear of similar treatment

    Ive been to cots

    Aside from small modifications, I found it all centered on Gd and compatible with chasidus

    Srry but haters who are insecure will be haters

  • !!!!רוזנפלד חייב להתנצל

    !!!!רוזנפלד חייב להתנצל
    !!! שפכתם את דמם
    ?לא התיעצתם עם מומחים לפני זה? לא התיעצתם עם רבנים לפני
    !!!!שפכתם את דמם

    !!!!!אתם חייבים להתנצל לעיני כל ישראל

    בחור פשוט שכואב את השקר והשנאה בכל הסיפור

  • Shlomo Chosid

    I have it from a good source that Rabbi Rozenfeld consulted with the Igoros Koidesh before taking these two scapegoats back.
    May G bless him!

    • Feeling bad

      I also appoligize for my Loshon Hara comments

      Hashem forgive us and bring the geula now

  • אין דבר העומד בפני התשובה

    All those who regret writing comments that contain any form of Lason Hora, please reply to this comment.

    Let us usher in a new era of respect and Ahavas Yisroel.

    Surely our Teshuva will bring Moshiach Now!!

  • Esther

    Oholei Torah MUST express a PUBLIC apology to Rabbi Sternberg. He is an unbelievable person and Mashpa, that gives himself totally over to the Bochurim!! And i know that first hand!!

  • to 91

    I disagree with you whole heartly. If you want to run a mossad like Oholei Torah where BH most families are large and income is small, one cannot cover the budget by squeezing parents for another dollar.That is exactly what the Rosenfelds do. They squeeze the last drop of water out of the poor parents.
    If you want to run the mossad it is YOUR responsibility to see the funds are there to cover the budget.
    Yes I have seen Yossel working late into the night over the years and I commend that.
    But don’t hurt the parents. They have other expenses besides tuition.And yes the parents are allowed to afford them self a bit of luxury. Where does it say the parents have to work 24/6 for Oholei Torah or Beis Rivkah?
    Anyway its good they took back the 2 teachers agree or disagree to the effect these teachers were affected bu COTS.

  • someone who has been through hurtful slander

    seriously! someone is out to destroy the community from within and everyone is feeding into it. if u just take a step back and think. the call of the shofar IS a cult, but it is NOT BAD!
    so far it was only used for the GOOD! this entire topic of the call of the shafar DOES NOT warrant such a over dramatic reaction. someone or people out there are out to destroy the community from within and we are just playing right into their hands. yes their are different opinions on whether its according to halacha… but its doesn’t warrant such a dramatic reaction as it has gotten over the internet. Even further I think its despicable that a MASHPIIA AND PRINCIPLE were FIRED. even if they weren’t really fired. just talking about it has caused enough damage to many of our children the future leaders of Lubavitch.
    what type of message is this sending our children, who is the next generation and going to continue the lineage of Lubavitch. I think we should take a step back and think
    is it worth fighting and causing such machlokis?
    is this what the Rebbe wanted?
    are their more important things to fight for?
    I think if you would only take the time to really think about the answers to these questions. and really look deep within yourself you would come to a diff conclusion about this whole machlokes.

    • Yitzchok Halevi

      So, you say the whole thing is a “Conspiracy”. The “They” are plotting to destroy the community. Maybe the “They” are “Us” and this is the”community.
      You can’t say that COS is a “cult, but it is not bad”. If it is a cult, by definition it is “bad”. The question is “Is it a cult”?
      I think it has aspects of a cult, but in totality, it is not.

    • to 122

      “Is a cult but it is not BAD” vey vey a cult is VERY VERY bad. a cult takes away your mind. it is controlled by someone else. if this wouldn’t have been busted now – the community would have gone into serious serious trouble. if one needed to resort to machlokes to save the community , well no choice.

  • Is that why they keep molesters?

    Does OT keep the molesters because they also got a local dr’s note and a good report from some phyc?

    When will the nepotism end?

    OT is not a family business, but it is run like one!

  • To Jj duchman

    Relax you’re still young, you’re naive. Wait till you get in the real world. You’re still a פישר.

  • Btw

    To all commenting to #12 for example, the comment 12 will be comment 15 later cuase there a reply button that adds comments, in case ur wondering why it’s confusing. (That’s why I suggest u guys use the reply button if u wanna make sense)

  • I've been brainwashed too

    I’d just like to come out and say that I’ve been brainwashed.

    I used to have Ahavas Yisrael, that was until around 2 weeks ago. Then I started following the call of col storm.

    Now I realize that reading thousands of nasty comments has had a hypnotic effect on my mind.

    I cannot help it, I find myself having bad feelings against my fellow Jews. I start hating this one and that one.

    I truly realized I was brainwashed when I started writing mean comments myself.

    A friend who smartly never got sucked in, told me that I’m a victim of col mind control.

    Please help. If anyone has been through this and managed to get out, please post.

    • to 129

      yes i never went however i see cots has such a big effect on me kal v’chomer on the participants. this is how i reckon how dangerous this is.
      i am so engrossed and tsekocht in all the comments it is taking up my time in a crazy fashion and taking up my heart as well. It is very very upsettig to see how oholei torah is run, how participants are holding onto this after all the informative articles as well as comments and the sad situation in lubavitch that mashpiim don’t chap zich how this is a’z.
      I am not blaming them bec. their minds are being controlled and they went in innocently so i don’t have hate just sadness, harts veitik of what was accomplished to our big heads and mashpiim, mechanchim. i truly believe it doesn’t shake of so quickly as to be reinstated within hours and most of all i feel horrible that everything is out in the public by our lovely websites. there is alot of good that came out from the cult benig publicized, otherwise it might have taken much longer to be busted, but the comments and nastiness went a bit too far. those STILL supporting this cult are poshut not seeing this with their own minds. now isn’t that heart breaking???? what do we do???

    • How I was brainwashed

      To clarify my previous comment (130):

      My “pre-brainwashed” opinion was that COTS was a bit strange and not for everyone, yet I didn’t think at all that it was worse than than.

      Now, after spending the last week addicted to the latest expose on col and reading reader’s frightened and paranoid comments, I’ve become paranoid too.

      Now whenever I see my friends (who I know are really normal) I see them as COTS zombies and I’m afraid that they can program me to become a zombie like them. I’m terrified!

      But thank G-d I think. I thought deeply and realized that I’ve really been brainwashed by col and their biased agenda, and their once again stirring up machlokes in Lubavitch.

      By reading col I was subjected to a non-stop frenzy of inflammatory headlines and selective reporting, for example, not letting people know that Shea Hecht was interviewed by CH.info where he explained that while COTS is not for everyone he would still recommend it to those who need it.

      Col blew this story way out of proportion, scared the living daylights out of everyone.

      No I need to be de-programmed of col’s brainwashing. Please help.

  • Cult of the Shofar: !?על טהרת הקודש

    Before the S”S lovefest continues let us not forget that this is the very same person who, as a bochur shliach in Brunoy, allegedly spearheaded a campaign of false accusations against a younger bochur to have him kicked out of yeshiva – AGAINST THE EXPLICIT WISHES OF HIS OWN ZEIDE R. ZALMAN GURARY!! The younger bochur was kicked out & went off the derech ad hayom hazeh (he is well known in that community). As recently as a few months ago the 2 met, & still S”S did not offer an apology.

    What drives someone to be so sadistic?

    An uncontrollable drive for power & to control others.

    This is why he is attracted to be mashpiah: so HE can play G-d & (re)form the young neshamos in the way HE sees fit.

    Which it seems is why he didn’t bother to consult anyone of senior mashpiah status beforehand sending them there.

    (BTW always beware of someone who claims by his own authority to be an expert on internet kashrus… )

    So it is no wonder why he would be attracted to COTS, with its twisted notions of empowerment, leadership, & purging the past. What fertile grounds for someone with emotional sadomasicistic tendencies to pasture…

    With all his supposed noble work & ibergegebenkait to the OT bochurim & Tanya Anonymous, still the message he is giving them by going almost 10 times is that (even for him) TANYA IS NOT ENOUGH & shitas Kalisker like screaming like an animal etc. etc. can be part of derech Chabad.

    Where do we find such “techniques” & methods in the Rebbe Rashab’s “Eiytz Chayim,” “Kuntres Hoavodah,” “Kuntres Hatfiloh” etc. etc.??

    Since when do we follow the teachings of someone (SF) who doesn’t even have payes etc., IS A BAAL TESHUVAH FROM EISH HATORAH & OR SAMEACH (very far from being known as friends of Lubavitch) & obviously, despite what he preaches, has not fully purged his own non-Torah past. How ironic that thisperson who could have been mekurov through any Chabad House has become the rosh hamashpiim!

    BTW it is interesting that it is the Lubavitcher BTs who were exposed to such ways in their past who largely kept away from COTS, whereas davke the gezhe were sucked into it! Ashrecho emeser baalei teshuvah!

    IF- a big if – S”S is to be reinstalled, it should be after a sizable long leave of absence (perhaps something like 6 months as recommended) & under constant mashpiah supervision to work on
    himself to integrate TRUE emes & purity.
    Until then, OT has lost its credentials as
    being a mosad al taharas hakodesh, & parents should start pulling out their sons immediately.

    Umesaymim bitov.

    • Citizen Berel

      Best hit piece ever written:

      “allegedly spearheaded a campaign of false accusations against a younger bochur to have him kicked out of yeshiva…”

      “Allegedly” — you will not be sued.

      9 times is in fact “almost 10 times” –Classic.

      And you just don’t get better than
      “(BTW always beware of someone who claims by his own authority to be an expert on internet kashrus… )”

      Well done.

    • so bottem line

      you’re poshut a נוקם ונוטר using the rebbe Rashab for your midos ro’os
      using shofar as a תירוץ.
      all in the name of chasidus!!!
      בושה וחרפה
      ארור מכה רעהו בסתר is a posuk in the torah, I don’t need the rebbe Rashab to see thru your רשעות

  • to 131

    i agree.
    also Reb Efraim Pikarski – a stature not to have been compromised for no money- is not there due to this ignorant pusher.
    this is all sad sad sad.

  • Brunoy

    Regarding the comment about Brunoy

    I was in Brunoy that year, and i was involved in the story with this particular bochur.

    This bochur was kicked out of yeshivah by Reb IP, and not by SS.

    SS’s grandfather was pushing him to fight to get him back in, but had nothing to do with actually getting him kicked out.

    This bochur had no place in this yeshivah, as he was ruining other Bochurim, and the rebbe clearly gave answers over the years, that if there is a bochur that is ruining other bochurim, he should be let go.

    look at what this bochur is up to today, and tell me that he belonged in a yeshivah such as Brunoy.

    Before you bash someone, learn the facts first.

  • Reb Efraim

    People keep on commenting about Reb Efraim on this and other websites.

    A) why bad mouth his name at this point, that story is long over.

    B)it is well known to those involved, that it was 2 parents that put the preasure on the hanhola, and threatened.

    One of the parents was a lawyer, and he recorded a conversation and presented it to the hanholah.

    I personally dont believe the allegations, however in no way was it a member of faculty, or hanhala that caused this.

    Yisroel O

  • Cult of the Shofar: !?על טהרת הקודש

    I think you mean “Reb I.N.” (not I.P.), yes?

    Well who do you think pushed Reb I.N. to kick him out & got the other shluchim bochurim to agree???

    Of course S”S was not hanholo to kick out the boy – but that’s the very point: that it is in his egotistical nature to krich & take control of situations of other people’s lives even when no one asked him to, even if you have to make up some of the evidence. (Ltovas haklal & yeshiva of course…)

    BTW who are you or him to decide if this young bochur was at that point of being kicked out. Indeed, the was a point before the makoh b’patish that the boy could have been helped, but S”S on his own (before hanholo knew) thought otherwise.

    One wishes to think that a program like COTS actually could change his midos for the better. But as we know from the Friedike Rebbe’s maamorim, it is extremely difficult, if not near possible, to change one’s etzem hatevah of his personality midah, even when going through teshuvah etc.

    & if you look into the background of COTS’s financial officer (NOT S”S) your head would spin: how can someone who allegedly did the most despicable criminal violent things, WORSE THAN MOST GOYIM WOULD EVEN DREAM OF DOING, EVEN WHILE A SHLIACH!! This is who are entrusting your $750 (let alone you priceless soul) with??? I wonder what this financial officer’s father, a well known shliach & mechanech (see last week’s Kfar Chabad) would think.

    [Even when the Eish Kodesh HYD made before the war his novel chaburah, he did not need to pick up “outside” techniques but found it all only through Torah – see his “Chovas Hatalmidim Vhachshoras Hoavreichim.” IOW, even S”S’s Kapitznitz-Apta Poilishe pedigree is not a license to “krich in fremder gertner” when “KARMI SHELI (Chabad Chasidus) LO NOTORTI”!!]

  • תהילים מא י

    גַּם-אִישׁ שְׁלוֹמִי אֲשֶׁר-בָּטַחְתִּי בוֹ אוֹכֵל לַחְמִי הִגְדִּיל עָלַי עָקֵב.

  • מקושר

    חסידות חבד
    חסידות ש”ש
    חסידות ש”פ
    חסידות קאט”ס
    חסידות חב”ד לייט
    חסידי דוקטוראט

    די תקופה פון דער בעל שם טוב האט געענדיקט ג’ תמוז.

    איצט דארף יעדער איינע געפינען א נייעם רבין (משפיע וכו

  • Dr. Psychology B.S.

    and I went to MY doctor of psychology and he is an even BIGGER doctor then your doctor of psychology,

    he discovered the key ingredient in the detergent used in the washing stage of brain washing. I think he specializes in the rinsing cycle and he claims that the degree of cognition depends more on the clearance of clogged drain pipes, which in turn depends on social neural networking, and in some limited cases (n<3%) may be genetic since wash-ins and wash-outs were both discovered in the primitive cerebral cortex of brains that have been associated with families of higher social standing, in particular those holding communal leadership for too long, and in control of the male teen bochur genotype.

    So, yes, my Dr. Psychology has more of a B.S. to offer then that of the Grand Rabbi of OT