Impromptu Chavrusas Celebrate Milestone

It happened on Shabbas Yud Shevat, 2008, in the main Shul of 770 Eastern Parkway. Rabbi Yosef Katzman was talking with a friend and noticed a new face in the crowd. Rabbi Katzman introduced himself and Gershon Felberbaum from Monsey replied with a warm handshake. After a few brief words, Rabbi Katzman asked Gershon if he wanted to learn Chassidus together.

Thus began a close friendship and a new chavrusa. Gershon would travel every day from Monsey to Crown Heights to learn with his new chavrusa the Sefer Maamorim of Hemshech Samech Vav from the Rebbe Rashab. They learned diligently every night, and reviewed each Maamar four or five times until they understood the depth of each concept and it permeated their very being.

As the years went by and their friendship grew, Yosef and Gershon studiously continued learning the Maamarim of Samech Vav. During this time, Gershon married and moved to Crown Heights.

Recently, the two Chavrusas completed the Sefer, and held a Siyum at Bais Hankneses Anash on Montgomery Street.

During the Siyum, Yosef and Gershon stressed the importance of establishing fixed times to learn Chassidus, and how learning Chasidus should effect you and change your life. They also spoke about the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisrael and making this world a dwelling place for Hashem.

Many stories of the Rebbe and the elder Chasidim were told regarding their Mesiras Nefesh for spreading Chasidus and how they davened at length.

The Siyum concluded with a L’Chaim that the Redemption is overdue and “We want Mashiach Now.”

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  • Correction!

    1) It Was Rabbi Felberbaum asking Rabbi Katzman if he wants to learn Hemshech Samach Vov 5666.
    2) 5 out of the 7 years they learnt on “the phone” every night, not that R’F. came in from Monsey every night.