At the Shabbos table of the Langers, Shluchim in San Francisco California, radio talk show host Michael Savage was so impressed with the group of Chabad girls that were at the table with him that he spoke about the experience on his nationally syndicated radio show, praising them as being pure and into proper things.

Audio: Savage Praises the Purity of Chabad Girls

At the Shabbos table of the Langers, Shluchim in San Francisco California, radio talk show host Michael Savage was so impressed with the group of Chabad girls that were at the table with him that he spoke about the experience on his nationally syndicated radio show, praising them as being pure and into proper things.

The girls are all counselors in Gan Izzy Berkeley and Gan Izzy San Francisco.

Savage spoke about the diminutive substance of American teens, young adolescents, and celebrities and how they crave what “these young girls have”, what they have is the kingdom of g-d in them.

Audio has been edited by gruntig.


  • Bochur

    Savage is a great Mashpia, i think the yeshiva should bring him down to farbreing….

  • beautiful

    We should be inspired by this, this is the way we need to teach our girls about tznius etc. !



  • friend

    I am so proud to call myself a member of the chabad community in SF! The Langers have been and continue to be an inspiration to me and to my family. Thank you for everything that you do!

  • Ariela Yael

    How can anyone praise this person? He is so atrocious that he is banned from entering England. Let’s save our praise for someone who really deserves it and get the low down on persons before you start lauding them.

  • unbelievable

    All our girls hear from their principals and mechanchos is mussar and criticism.Faine tzeiten that the praise that they deserve has to come from radio talk show hos

  • Shira

    So every elegantly dressed girl eventually goes to rehab? Haha no wonder frum ppl love Savage so much.

    Please, Chabad girls seek to dress well just like anyone els. The only difference is that we are all taught growing up to put out a this fake front of kidusheh, pathetic.

    An easy fast…..

  • To ariela yael

    Get your facts straight lady…he is banned from the uk because of his strong anti Arab terrorist and pro Israel views. Do you find that atrocious??



  • Ariela Yael

    Dear No. 13, These are the people banned from England and as you can see they are from all political viewpoints: Michael Savage, christian preacher Fred Waldron Phelps Snr and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper, Hamas MP Yunis Al-Astal, Jewish extremist Mike Guzovsky, former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Stephen Donald Black, neo-Nazi Erich Gliebe, Artur Ryno and Pavel Skachevsky who are the former leaders of a violent Russian skinhead gang, preachers Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim, Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal, Safwat Hijazi and Amir Siddique, Muslim activist Abdul Ali Musa (previously Clarence Reams), murderer and Hezbollah terrorist Samir Al Quntar and Kashmiri terror group leader Nasr Javed.
    Savage may be pro-Israel but quite a few of these people are not. So yes, I do find it atrocious that Savage is being praised unless of course you would praise Hezbollah terrorists–well, would you? None of these people would cross my threshold–as the old saying goes if you lay with dogs you’ll get fleas.

  • sholom ber

    Reb Mendel Futterfas said this“ ”Lubavitchers are like cow manure: if they are spread all over the field, they miraculously cause growth, but stuck together? they stink..“

    The rebbe said ”gantz Chabad gefint zich oif an unun“ – all of Chabad is in a cloud” i.e. a different holy reality…

    The new modesty patrol should be forced to go on shlichus and they would not stink.

  • av

    To no 8 15 you are completly wrong. There is no reason in the wrold that this guy should be banned from the uk. the reson he is banned is to appese the muslims in the uk.
    and bside that, all he is is a guy in the media who says his opinoin. for that he should be on a list with murderers and terrorst. a disgrace for the uk
    read these articals

  • Rochela Shimona

    Dear Ariela yael,

    Your sugary comment about the other people banned by the UK has no bearing what kind of person Michael Savage is.

    To be blunt, you speak eloquently, but your argument stinks. If you knew your facts, you will discover that many prominent people are accusing England of just that: they have allegedly banned MS just to “balance” the list of crazies and criminals who were also put on that list.

    Even if MS is really a bad guy and belongs in such company, does that make his appreciation of young Lubavitcher girls that convey tznius and eidelkeit less or more of a recognition of the beauty of Toras emes and the falshkeit of the “western” society?

    Thanks for visiting Crown Heights and enjoy your trip back to Soho.

  • Brian to number 15

    You’re pathetic. Just because Britain posted a list with people with extreme tendencies, doesn’t make Savage bad. Their extremism led to murder while Savage’s extremism is his extreme support for Israel, US constitution and the Bible. Savage never hurt a fly, he just speaks his mind. And from time to time can give a sharp insult to a caller, but in the old generation millions speak with that type of sharpness.

  • Ariela Yael

    I am guessing that reason England bans these people from entering is that they have enough of their own hate mongers and murderers without adding more.
    For the record my name is Andrea Schonberger, Jew, female, married–old man is a Jew, 48 years old, and I live in University Place, Washington state. During the 20 years my husband was in the US army I was priviledged to travel all over the world and in the US–I lived 3 years in Germany, 2 in Korea, and various places in the US so you can assume that I have come across all sorts of people–Ku Kluxers in Korea to a woman who named her cat after herself. I have somehow managed to get along with the majority–even the KKK couple (I knew I couldn’t change their minds so I didn’t bother trying and yes they knew I was a Jew). I am not anti anything except hate; hate mongering can and has led to murder–think of Alan Berg and Dr. George Tiller. It would not be cool if a mentally unbalanced person murdered an illegal alien because they were influenced by a statement made by Savage on his show. We are responsible for what we say and have to remember that other people are listening and may be influenced for good or bad–think before you speak. I don’t know Michael Savage personally but I do not approve of his hate spewed viewpoints and I doubt it if the Rebbe, obm, would have approved either; the Rebbe only spoke and wrote words of kindness not hate. Let Him be an example to the entire world in perfecting ourselves.

  • crown heights resident

    I agree with Ariela Yael. Anyone whose message is hate-filled, even if the target of the hate is someone I personally loathe, is unworthy of praise. So he complemented Lubavitcher girls? His opinion is worthless. ‘Not your honey and not your sting’, thank you.