MOSCOW, Russia – Considering the fact that only two weeks remain until the new school year begins in schools across the Former Soviet Union, a new project has commenced aimed at helping youngsters to get ready for this event. While some families will be sending their child to school for the first time, others may simply need assistance in preparing for September 1st due to reasons of financial incapacity.

New Project Aids Schoolchildren in Moscow

MOSCOW, Russia – Considering the fact that only two weeks remain until the new school year begins in schools across the Former Soviet Union, a new project has commenced aimed at helping youngsters to get ready for this event. While some families will be sending their child to school for the first time, others may simply need assistance in preparing for September 1st due to reasons of financial incapacity.

This is where the ‘Shaarei Tsedek’ Charity Center comes in. Among the numerous activities of this organization, some are oriented towards aiding children from large and underprivileged families, as well as those that are physically or mentally challenged. This newest one means that hundreds of children will be receiving packages of school supplies that they otherwise may not be able to afford – markers, pens, pencils, crayons, and notebooks.

Of course, this meager assistance will not cover all of the costs associated with sending a child to school for the first time, but it will help out nevertheless. This initiative was made possible thanks to the organization and efforts of Ora Titovskaya at the ‘Shaarei Tsedek’ Center.

The ‘Shaarei Tsedek’ Center is situated near to the Moscow Jewish Community Center, located in the Marina Roscha neighborhood and is funded by the Federation of Jewish Communites of Russia.