Jewish Week Profiles Chabad of the Upper East Side

Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasniasnki with members of Chabad of the Upper East Side.

From time to time, various neighborhoods are featured in The Jewish Week. This week they covered New York’s Upper East Side, with the lead section profiling Chabad in the area, led by Rabbi Ben Tzion and Chanie Krasniasnki.

Chabad of the Upper East Side

“I’m so glad its Monday. There’s Hebrew school today!” shouted Samson.

All you have to do is walk into the beautiful Schneerson Center for Jewish life on Seventy Seventh Street to feel the vibrant energy of Chabad of the Upper East Side.

“When I walk into the building I feel this powerful light; it extends to the whole neighborhood”, said Joseph Aronow, a founding member.

To see it is to believe it. The classrooms are bustling with happy children. The synagogue is full of animated study groups. Visitors drop in to ask about mezuzahs, koshering their homes or any other number of questions.

The Upper East Side, the most affluent Jewish community in the world, boasts a Jewish population of 70,000 Jews and theChabad Center aims to offer something for everyone.

Anytime, day or night, something is going on; They have a kollel, Preschool, Hebrew school, Friendship circle for families with special needs, a vessel mikvah, and adult education classes. The Simchat Torah Street Festivals and public Menorah lightings done in conjunction with Kehilath Jeshurun Beginners Program have become an icon of pride and unity. Thousands view “Kabbalah and the Psychology of the Soul”, a weekly cable show. Their Tanya web site, draws a worldwide audience in the tens of thousands. The Jacques and Hanna Schwalbe Mikvah, arguably the most beautiful Mikvah in the world, services 400 women per month.

Chabad Upper East Side’s various branches; Chabad of Hunter College, Chabad Israel Center, Chabad Young Professionals and “Jewish Conversations” reach out to thousands more.

“Chabad changed my life, I am so grateful”, a young father stated at Chabad’s recent parent’s night.

What is it about Chabad of the Upper East Side that draws such powerful sentiments?

“Chabad encompasses a deep intellectual approach to Torah coupled with a fiery, passionate, love for all Jews. A Jew, is a Jew, is a Jew,” says Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, executive director of Chabad Upper East Side. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson ob”m wanted to personally be there for every Jew so he inspired us to inspire others.”

This week marks twenty years since Rabbi Ben Tzion and Chanie Krasniasnki moved their young family to the Upper East Side to establish the Chabad Center. Chabad will mark this milestone with a Dinner Concert and Auction starring Avraham Fried, March 10th, 2013 at Guastavino’s, 409 E. 59th Street. Visit for more information.

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