Wounded Shliach Back on His Feet
Chabad Shliach to the Russian region of Dagestan Rabbi Ovadia Isakov, who was shot and critically wounded last week by a Muslim terrorist and flown to Israel for medical care, has stood up and is walking around without assistance.
B”H he is recovering at a rapid pace.
After regaining consciousness a few days ago, Rabbi Isakov spoke about the anti-Semitic atmosphere of his city, Derbent. “At Sukkot, they threw a bomb into the women’s mikvah of our synagogue, at our house, they threw a large stone, and now look what they did to us.”
Nevertheless, Rabbi Isakov plans to return to his position as Rabbi of the Dagestan Jewish community without delay. “I already wish to return to my Shlichus,” he said.
BLI EYIN HARA beautiful family.
someone, buy them surveillance cameras. even there. why not???
so glad to hear the good news!
thank you Hashem
Moshiach now!!!!!!!!!!
Chasdei Hashem!
Boruch Hashem
Hashem should Bentch him and his family with only revealed good. may we merit Moshiach now
wow BH a real miracle,Im so happy.
Gd promised!!!!
Gd will take care of His own, period!
Notice all the countries with this type of hell going on, there is drought, disaster, disease, and the nations are literally dying. Think their problems are the result of bad leaders, ha! Their problem are the result of sin!
Like I said, Gd will take care of His own!
You go, Rabbi! :)