Westchester Government Hosts Chabad Lubavitch

WESTCHESTER, NY [CHI] — On the second day of Chanukah, Westchester County Executive Mr. Andrew Spano, hosted a Chabad Lubavitch Menorah lighting ceremony in his executive chamber.

The ceremony took place the morning after the County Executive lit Westchester’s largest Menorah at the Jewish Community Center in Scarsdale NY. The 29 foot tall gold colored Rambam Menorah is the tallest of the 26 Chabad public Menorahs throughout Westchester county.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (by Meir Dahan)

Mr. Bill Ryan, Chairman of the Westchester County Board of Legislatures joined the celebration.

All six Shluchim to Westchester County joined the County Executive for a spirited Farbrengen Chanukah celebration, discussing many of The Rebbe’s insights and messages.

Shluchim : Rabbi Yossi Butman, Rabbi Dovid Labkowski, Rabbi Mendel Silberstien, Rabbi Benjy Silverman, Rabbi Arik Wolf. The visit was arranged by the head Shliach to Westchester County Rabbi Velvl Butman.

The hour long roundtable discussion, focused on The Rebbe’s message regarding Chanukah, education, a moment of silence and Sheva Mitsvos Bnei Noach.

Mr. Spano poured each Shliach a L’chayim on Crown Royal, and wished the Shluchim much success in bringing the Rebbe’s teachings and message to the Westchester community.

Mr. Spano proudly told the Shluchim of his visit to The Rebbe at 770, and how he greatly cherishes the two dollars he received from The Rebbe.

The Shluchim brought the County Executive a Chanukah gift, a Tzedokoh Pushka replica of 770. Upon seeing the replica of 770 , Mr. Spano fondly and vividly described how he was ushered in through a side door in 770 when he came to see The Rebbe.

After hearing The Rebbe’s insight about the purpose of money, and how the American dollar bill states “In G-D We Trust”, Mr. Spano proceeded to place his dollar bill Chanukah Gelt in the 770 Pushka.

Mr. Spano promised to keep the Pushka at his executive desk and that he will place a few coins in the Pushka daily. Mr. Spano pointed with pride to the framed photo of The Rebbe, which he always has in his office.

The Chanukah celebration at the County Executive culminated with the lighting of an Israeli made gold colored Rambam Menorah, and the singing of festive Chanukah songs.

The Photo of the Chabad Lubavitch Menorah Lighting Ceremony was prominently posted on the opening page of the Westchester County government’s website .

Upon leaving the County Executive’s office, the Shluchim walked across the street, Menorah in hand, to celebrate a Chanukah Menorah lighting ceremony in the executive office of the District Attorney of Westchester County, The Honorable Janet Difiore.

The Shluchim brought the District Attorney a Tzedokoh Pushka replica of the Beis Hamikdosh.

After hearing The Rebbe’s message regarding the inscription on the dollar bill “In G-D We Trust” and the details of the exact location of the original Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh , the D.A. put her Chanukah Gelt dollar bill in the Pushka, then prominently placed the Beis Hamikdosh replica Pushka on permanent display in her office.

The Menorah lighting ceremony, included a spirited discussion relating to The Rebbe’s message regarding Chanukah, Tzedokoh, education and the Sheva Mitsvos Bnei Noach.

The District Attorney expressed great appreciation and respect to the Shluchim for their visit, and wished the Shluchim great success in bringing the light and spirit of the Menorah to all of Westchester County.