Weekly Unique Photo of the Rebbe

Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present a photo of The Rebbe attending a childrens rally, circa 1960.


  • aharon

    this picture was taken in the late 50′ if you notice the Rebbes chair has no handrest.around 1959 got a chair with hand rests.

  • Yankel Todres

    To #2, no it doesn’t! “Circa” actually means approximately, about, around.

  • Yankel Todres

    This is the area where the first extension to 770 was built. (Circa 1960.) Until then, 770’s Shul consisted entirely of the “upstairs Zal”. At the right rear (past the visible area of this picture) was the original ambulance bay of this clinic. That area became the Frierdicke Rebbe’s library. On the right side at the front was a set of stairs leading from the outside to what is now “Gan Eden Hatachton”.

    The original “770” extension occupied this entire area. That is where the colored windows were at the back, and the large chandeliers hung.