From Days Gone By: In the Rebbetzin’s Home
After the Shiva of the Rebbetzin in 1988, the writing of a new Torah was commenced in her honor, with several dozen Nshei Chabad in attendance at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s home. Can you identify anyone in the photo?
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Rebetzin Tema Gurary on the right; behind her I believe is Fayge Gross; not sure who is behind her, but behind her is Kraindy Klein
On the left is Shterna Spitzer, behind her is Esther Goldman, than Hensha Gansbourg, to her left is Mrs Klein (I don’t know her first name – they lived on Montgomery St)
Long Time CHtsr
Reb Tema Gurary,Mrs Nemes,Mrs Roitblat,Hensha Gansburg,Esther Goldman, Shterna Shpritzer,Zisi Klien,Kraindy Klien,
Front right is Tema Gurary she should live and be well
Rebetzim Chaya Sarah Gorodetsky.
Second row in the center.
mrs spritzer,kraindy klein,zelda nemes,mrsgoldman
Out of Towner
Mrs. Roitblatt a/h – Reb Elya Chaim’s a/h wife (small woman in glasses).
Between Tema Gurary & Zelda Nemes (behind them) in glasses is Fagy Rapp.
Who is woman in short dark sheitl next to Faygie, anyone know?
In the center in back of Mrs klein, Mrs Devorah Steinmetz, head of bikur cholim.
Woman in short black sheitel is Fraidle Goldshmid, a hebrew principal at Bais Rivkah High School
Leizer Yitzhak
Lady in front row right side is Mrs. Thelma Levy who was a friend of the Rebitzen ob’m.
All the way in the back
All the way in the back, left, against the wall, is Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik from Milan, Italy.