A CrownHeights.info reader who was at one of the polling sites in Crown Heights spotted Rabbi Yaakov Schwei exercising your civic duty by voting in today's elections.

Picture of the Day: Rabbi Schwei Votes!

A CrownHeights.info reader who was at one of the polling sites in Crown Heights spotted Rabbi Yaakov Schwei exercising your civic duty by voting in today’s elections.


  • votes wont count

    at the school at president and brooklyn about 7:30pm all the scanners went out and they just took everyone’s papers without scanning them

    they will prob never count and if someone decides to scan them later im sure they will throw away all the ones that dont vote OBAMA!

    But at least the fat cop was able to scream at all the jewish people and making them wait an hour in the cold

  • to #2

    I don’t get it, so many people in crown heights have food stamps and medicaid. having obama in office will keep these benefits available, if mitt wins who knows what will be? will kol tuv empire kosher and kahns all go out of business? how will everyone pay for their kids at doctor plaut’s office? oy vey!!!

  • Mendel

    We don’t. Have. Any. One. Watching. Our. Back
    Not. From. The Vadd. Hakol
    Not from the political. Big shots who look. Like. Chabad
    We. Are. Screwed.

  • Was Hendel on the ballot?

    I did not see Hendel on the ballot. Who else would he vote for?