Picture of the Day: London Mayor Goes Chassidish

London mayor Boris Johnson, currently in the midst of his re-election campaign, appears in this photograph with Rabbis Leivi and Zalman Sudak, Chabad Shluchim in Edgware, sporting the Lubavitcher headgear.


  • Rabbi Boris Sudak

    The comparison with Shmais is hysterical and uncanny. And I agree – it would be so much more productive if the shluchim would be seen putting on Tefilin with Jews than hats with non-Jews for PR purposes.

  • Shluchim basher

    Comment 7-
    Firstly,you are an idiot and you don’t know what you r talking about.
    But, your words still can be hurtful.
    These people do amazing,real work and help loads of people
    Not everything is publicised!
    If you don’t see the humour in the pic you need to relax. Maybe do something so you’ll feel good about yourself and won’t need to post nasty comments.

  • hhhhhhh

    to comment 8

    So why dont they publicise their wonderful work ?????
    I wonder………………..