Picture of Day: Can the Flyer Distributors Read?


  • Yoss

    Not really. These guys are mostly russians and you are better off if you would have signs in Russian. Something like

    Не место нежелательные рекламные материалы на это имущество

  • old timer

    write your poster in urdu or spanish or malaysian or whatever. just ask the guy who throws it onto your porch next time you see him..

  • eli ezagui

    #3… the flyers will stop when the excessive talking in shul stops. the flyers will stop when the lashon hara, especially of matisyahu and of your neighbors, stops…. in other words, look foward to many, many more flyers….oh, i forgot… the flyers will really stop when you crackers stop your whining and complaining.

  • ch mom

    what you see is garbage that got windswept onto the stairs together with the leaves. I had a sign on my front gate, and never got flyers, etc.

  • CN

    That looks like garbage blown there by the wind, not unsolicited advertisements placed on the property.

  • I agree with #7 and #8

    that is just newspaper ads not flyers that were put there deliberately….

  • How do they get away with it?

    Is it legal to officially litter garbage on the sidewalks? Maybe fining the senders or businesses will help. They don’t even pay shipping…

  • Milhouse

    #8, A “viscous dog”?! Now I do indeed have a picture of one in my mind, and it’s not a pretty sight; thanks for putting it there!

  • Yukel

    Just put it in recycling and stop complaining, most people doing this can’t read english or are distributing out of rote and don’t even notice the signs. Also if they just dump the flyers in a trash can it is known of their supervisors to peek into trash cans on the route. If you have never had to do these type of jobs to make ends meet tou will not understand.