Merkos Shlichus Bochurim Meet Congresswoman

Bochurim who are in Las Vegas on Merkos Shlichus met with Nevada Congesswoman Shelley Berkely, a Jewish Congresswoman who has garnered the title “the most pro-Israel member of Congress”.

Mrs. Berkeley will be running for the U.S. Senate in the fall of 2012.

The meeting marked the end of the two week “mini-yeshiva” program arranged by chabad of southern nevada. the bochurim spoke with her for close to a half hour, and disucssed strenghtening the ties of the USA and Eretz Yisroel, and shared Divrei Torah about the month of Elul.

Pictured right to left Avremi Goldman, Levi Gurewitz, Levi Sharfstein, Motti Harlig, Levi Harlig, Avremi Zippel.