Op-Ed: When Was the Last Time You Learned with Your Great Grandchildren?
by Rabbi Hillel Baron – Shliach to Columbia, MD
I was totally blown away by what I learned this week in the Rebbe’s sicho (Vol 20 Sicho 3) about the requirement to learn with your grandchildren (AR Hilchos TT) and even your great grandchildren, as well as generously supporting the schools they attend!
Many “empty nesters” think they are done with Chinuch and have fulfilled all of their responsibilities once their children have completed their education. In addition there are those who lament the decline in the religious standards of the younger generation while sitting on their hands and not doing anything about it.
Here the Rebbe provides a much needed mandate. The job of parents, grandparents or great grandparents is never over when it comes to Chinuch. Their influence and assistance in the education and direction of their offspring continues to be needed and to be effective!
This is also an example of the progressive thinking of the Rebbe when only recently educators have been pointing out the potential input grandparents can have in raising their grandchildren.
May we all start or increase our efforts in this regard and merit much Nachas!
Many grandparents and great grandparents cannot adapt to the new methods of chinuch. Teachers don’t teach chumash the way it was taught 60 years ago. As example, they teach the “shoresh” (root) of the word, preferably, suffix – so the child will recognize this word in other
pesukim. The older generation is often incapable of adapting. In secular subjects, it’s like learning new math – a mystery.
Older Gen
The first comment makes a very valid point as some from the old and previous gen can actually do more damage then good. However i think the author was referring to those of previous gen who are indeed forward thinkers and excellent examples of human being but this point simply escapes them not intentionally just life is so multi faceted today. Also the young age of even great grandparents today..
Ha, just came across this Sicha yesterday too! Spot on.
And a fascinating Sicha to boot.
Thank you to the new Kehos chumash in the Chitas that had a footnote there from a Rashi.