INBOX: When Did Life Become So Overwhelming and Unbearable?

by Jacob Q. Green

How I feel lately.

I feel very alone. The phone rings, well mostly emails constantly, asking for money. I can’t afford to pay mortgage and food and my goodness everything else, let alone tuition and daycare, bookees, etc. Nevermind, shoes and coats. Forget about travel.

When did life become so overwhelming and unbearable?

I hate hearing sermons about the wealthiest generation ever, etc. We’re so privileged etc. I don’t know if we are or not but I know that so many of us have unbearable anxiety of where will our help come from? But we have to suffer in silence.

Firstly, obviously our help will come from God Almighty. Secondly, we have it so good!

Don’t you think we would trade it in for some menuhas hanefesh? Some peace of mind?

The Western world has practically stopped reproducing, the main reason being, they feel won’t be able to afford the expenses!

I know life is tough and we never signed a contract for an easy life. All I am asking is just some solidarity. Can’t we just say the emes? We cannot afford to live any longer. At least not like this. Not like we remember it in our childhood.

Why is this happening? Are we not supposed to march to geula with riches for all? I suppose we have to feel a bit of pain yet until Moshiach comes immediately. Why? I don’t know.

Waiting every day for Moshiach to come to have some peace.


  • Related to the geulah

    It is very close to the geulah. The rebbe spoke many times about how people here have a good life and dont want to give it up to go to israel with moshiach. It is supposed to get very dark right before moshiach comes as people need to be stirred up to return to hashem. They must see that it is only hashem that they can depend on.
    Look at it in a positive way. It means we are very close to moshiach

    • meyer cheinYe quessAnother

      How about a more practical way. The builders in Kiryat Yoel have agreed to lower the price of their housing by half in half of the houses they sell So if the great landlords would reduce their rents in some buildings to half this will help more than the paltry donation that they give to tax sheltered public institutions with great publicity.

  • You're not alone

    There are hundreds of Jewish families in Crown Heights and across NYC who are in your exact same position. We’re all faking it. Nobody wants to be *The Neb* who can’t afford every last luxury, so we all pretend we’re keeping up. We all know these conditions are insane

  • ys

    Feel your pain, brother, same here!
    The price of everything has doubled, which can’t be said about people’s income. Simple math.
    The problem is inertia, and pre-election effort to pretend things are fine. My question is why Wall street is doing fine, and the simple answer is that *corporations* are doing amazing. However, at some point they will have to face retail economy, we shall see. Cheers!

  • Avraham Chaim

    It’s time that we realized that Moshich is not coming, at least in our lifetimes. All the sad faces and happy songs that we see at any farbrengen have done nothing. It’s fair to say that some of our greatest gedolim were 100% wrong about the most important event in human history. Let’s face facts and get on with our lives with a sense of reality.

    • meyer cheinYe quessAre

      The Kiryat Yoel way is the practical solution. Have the rich landlords of Crown Heights give some apartments for half price to help those in dire need

    • AH

      משיח בא בהיסח הדעת. So let’s daven that your היסח הדעת as expressed in this comment be the last thing we need for Moshiach to come.

    • Avraham Chaim

      When one of the buchrim in my shiur began to talk longily about Moshiach, our rebbe would tell “Save it for Shalos Seudos”. Moshiach talk is happy Narishkeit that is pleasant but totally unrealistic.

  • Chaim Yisroel

    G-d forbid
    My dear brother and sister
    I too have struggled greatly living day to day and hour by hour
    Precisely because of this it so apparent that each step is completely supernatural miraculous and a gift from G-d
    There is no other way I would be here now In terms of health, family and all the other small things in my life. Yes it doesn’t make sense, yes there seems absolutely no way out but

  • meyer chein

    The Shluhim have helped themselves by creating enough funds to live well. To be a Sheliah is a prime job or to be a landlord in Crown heights or have a business here. We talking about people who work for a living and are dire needs. Stop making yourself holy

    • AH

      There are plenty of Shluchim who are struggling financially. As is also true of landlords and business owners in Crown Heights. So no, it rather sounds like you’re overgeneralizing badly.

  • Anonymous

    No you are talking nonsense I’m talking about big landlords and business in crown heights is pretty good Only shlomazel sheluchim are doing bad

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