Preserving the Integrity of the Vaad Hakahal: Why Bylaws Should Remain Unchanged
by Anonymous
In a recent op-ed, the proposal to amend the Vaad Hakahal bylaws and allow heads of Mosdos to run was put forth, suggesting that their experience and talent could greatly benefit the community.
While the oped acknowledges concerns about conflicts of interest, particularly regarding government funding, it contends that the community should still be allowed to decide the significant of the conflict and whether to give them a pass or not.
However, a closer examination reveals that the potential for conflicts of interest extends beyond government funding posing a significant threat to the integrity of the Vaad Hakahal.
Consider a scenario where a Mosod receives a substantial donation from a party in direct conflict with the Vaad Hakahal. Should the head of that Mosod be granted a seat on the Vaad, would they be able to impartially represent the community’s interests?
For instance, the recent rift between a meat company at odds with the Vaad Hakahal, and a prominent Mosod in Crown Heights. It is public knowledge that this Mosod received a substantial donation from the party in question. If the head of this Mosod were to hold a position on the Vaad, as suggested in the oped, could they truly prioritize the community’s interests over those of their benefactor?
Furthermore, what assurance do we have that other Mosods seeking donations from conflicting parties would not waver in their positions?
Being that a large portion of the Vaad’s funding comes from individuals the oped fundamentally fails to address the inherent risk posed by potential conflicts of interest to the integrity of the Vaad Hakahal.
Without full comprehensive knowledge of all factors at play within Mosdos, the community cannot accurately assess the significance of such conflicts.
Therefore, it is imperative that the current bylaws remain unchanged to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the Vaad Hakahal.
meyer cheinYe quessAre
Change the name from Vaad … to Vaad Ganovim problem solved
In the “real” world, when a person on the board has a conflict with a specific decision, he must disabuse himself and abstain from being involved in that particular decision. there is transparency in the vote – to ensure that everyone sees that it was decided fairly without bias – neither for nor against. PROBLEM SOLVED IF DEALING WITH IT HONESTLY AND WITH TRANSPERANCY!