INBOX: Summer Chayus Is Great, But Is All The Screaming Necessary?
by Rochie
As we are approaching the start date of overnight and day camp and our kids are excited to head off for a summer of fun, I would like to mention something that is really important for camp staff and directors to be aware of. One of the big factors of camp is the chayos and lebedikeit that the camps try to instill in our kids and it’s definitely an important part of camp, however, too often, chayos and lebedikeit is synonymous with screaming. The bunk that screams the loudest wins bunk competition, Davening with kavanah is who is doing it the loudest, etc. My good friend has a daughter who has permanently damaged her vocal chords. It’s extremely difficult for her to speak and it is something that bothers her tremendously. The doctor told her that the main factor that caused it is from all the screaming in camp, Kinus, school shabbatons, all the occasions where the loud cheering is strongly encouraged. Perhaps there’s a way we can shift the culture in camp so that there isn’t a need to come home at the end of the summer without a voice?
While I’m at it, another point I wanted to share, when we sign up our kids for camp, we are agreeing to the rules and policies of the camp. Every year, camps send out letters asking parents not to send kids to camp with phones, not to show up to camp with packages of food, and the like and every year it still happens that parents seem to not be able to adhere to these rules. 1) If your child can’t handle being away from home without having your potato kugel for one month, then maybe they’re not ready for overnight camp? 2) When a parent refuses to follow the rules, they are completely disregarding the other kids in camp and how that impacts them. When a parent refuses to follow the rules, it is negatively impacting the camp staff, the rest of the kids in the bunk and their own child. We know that בשבילי נברא העולם
but not always is that meant to be taken literally. If you’re a parent who shows up during camp to drop off treats and packages, stop doing it. Stop and think about how you are impacting other people. If you feel these rules are unacceptable, find a camp that doesn’t have these rules and send your child there.
Wishing everyone a safe and healthy and successful summer.
You want to stop kids from screaming ?
What next ?Thats part of camp. One kid hurts her vocal cords so ban all kids singing on camp trips.
Packages are fun, my kids still remember my sticking little notes and surprises. Camps don’t have to allow parents to just show up or drop off stuff in the middle of camp. Sounds like a helicopter parent to me.
I guess comprehension is not your strong suit. It’s not only one kid. It’s an issue that happens with many many kids, every single summer. Also, it doesn’t say not to send packages to camp by mail. It says not to show up to camp to bring things to your kids. And besides, it’s irrelevant if your kid likes packages or not. Some kids have rules about not sending packages in the mail. Don’t be dense.
Why must kids and specifically girls be taught to scream? What about aidelkeit and refinement?