Jews and Politics: Orthodox Jews Play Pivotal Role in GOP Candidates’ Pro-Israel Stance
Texas Governor Rick Perry, a contender for the Republican Presidential nomination, held a press conference at the W Hotel in midtown Manhattan a few months ago. It was a clear showing of his strong support for Israel, and criticism for what he believes are the failed and misguided policies of President Obama on Israel.
“We would not be here today … if the Obama policy in the Middle East wasn’t naive and arrogant, misguided and dangerous,” he said. ”There is no middle ground between our allies and those who seek their destruction,“ continued Perry, who is being advised on foreign policy by some of the leading conservative voices of the George W. Bush administration. ”America should not be ambivalent between the terrorist tactics of Hamas and the security tactics of the legitimate and free state of Israel.”
Strong words indeed!
Standing on stage behind Perry at the press conference were some of the leading Jewish activists in NY and a few Israeli politicians. But standing out among them were three individuals who stood together just one week before at the winning rally of newly elected Congressman Bob Turner; NY Assmblyman Dov Hikind, NYC Jewish Community activist Chaskel Bennett, and the newly elected Congressman Turner. Some might have wondered how the orthodox Jewish leaders managed to be front and center in a major press conference with someone who might be our next President. But the answer is simple: Israel.
The Republican Party is doing all it can to woo Jewish voters who usually vote democrat but might be susceptible to vote republican in 2012 if they feel that the security and safety of Israel depends on it. That’s where the orthodox Jewish leaders play a prominent role. Since, unlike conservative or reform Jews, the orthodox have already clearly embraced the GOP and have voted heavily for them for over a decade. (Lieberman was the last presidential election that many orthodox also voted democrat) On both social and foreign policy issues the orthodox and GOP see eye to eye. Being pro-Israel also helps in the Republican primaries, where the Christian conservatives who strongly ally with Israel, play a major role. Hence, it was no surprise to see Perry embrace, both literally and figuratively, prominent orthodox jewish leaders at the Israel press conference.
The GOP has tactically used Obama’s vulnerability on Israel to their benefit, by making Israel a major issue in the 2012 elections. This creates a tremendous opportunity for the orthodox Jewish community as a whole, and it’s leaders in particular, to rise up to the occasion and make a tremendous kiddush hashem. Let’s make sure we don’t make the Republican Party regret their embrace of us.
J Wiess
Excellent article, I wonder what the Agudah would say to this.
Tuvia Gold
If only Rick Santorum would have held that press conference instead of Perry!!
Confused Jew who votes Republican
I can’t understand for the life of mine, why so many Jews vote and support democrat. Can someone please explain this to me?
To J Wiess: the Agudah only supports democrats if it’s inevitable that they’re going to win, like in most NY & NJ districts. This is simply called being smart because they know that we are going to need there support in the future so mine as well get behind them from the beginning. But of course behind close doors there’s no question that all the leaders of the Agudah vote and tell people to vote Republican.
Yid in Texas
It’s such a shame that Perry has lost all his momentum in the race. He would certainly be one of the best presidents ever for the frum community. Back in Texas, Perry has has an excellent relationship with the orthodox Jewish community and he’s been a true friend of chabad.
Santorum fan
Rick Santorum is just as pro- Israel as Perry, except he actualy has the EXPIERENCE and knowledge on these issues, unlike perry who just reads a paper his aides hand him.
I beg and implore all my fellow yidden to harken the message of this excellent article and make sure you vote in the 2012 elections.
JT Davidson
The only GOP candidate that realy scares me is Ron Pual, he would be a disaster for Israel.
Yid 613
I realy enjoyed this article by Yechezkel Gordon, does anyone know who he is or how to contact him? Thanks.
Please dont forget about my man Herman Cain, he said if you attack Israel it will be treated like you attacked the USA, now that’s what I’m talking about!
Ron Pual is an embarrassment to the GOP and the country.
I agree, Rick Santorum is the strongest candidate for our community, we should all support him.
Dov Brody
I wonder who Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh will support?
Chava J
As a woman I’m more concerned about abortion issues then Israel.
#8, on the contrary, Paul might be a disaster for the USA’s security, but he’d be a blessing for Israel. Israel has become addicted to American money, and has therefore been forced to do whatever America said, and that has been the root of all Israel’s problems. Paul’s policy on Israel is exactly what we need – he thinks that Israel should do whatever it needs to do in order to ensure its security, and America should keep its money and its opinions to itself.
to #14: as a jewish woman u should be more concerned about our homeland. i hope that statement wasnt genuine. like seriously, israel is the most important thing.
@millhouse: thats all nice and dandy but we want a president that is good for BOTH countries.
#16, Ron Paul would be wonderful for America too, except for security. He would turn America into a gan eden, five minutes before the Arabs blew it up. That’s why I won’t vote for him; but to say he’s bad for Israel is false.
#14, Why davka as a woman? Everyone should be equally concerned about babies being murdered in cold blood. But until the Supreme Court changes there’s not much that can be done about it. In any case protecting the lives of millions of our fellow yidden, and preventing another Holocaust in EY ch”v, is more important than even abortion.
Yechezkel Gordon
To #9: I apprieceate your feedback. Here’s my information:
Yechezkel Gordon is the editor-in-chief of THE FRUM THINKER (…), a website featuring penetrating analysis and opinion of various topics including news, politics, everyday life, and Israel. He can be contacted at
Chava J
#17 & #16- you both completely misunderstood me. As a woman I should have the final say about my stomach and my fetus not some ultra conservative politician who doesn’t know how it feels being abused and assaulted. Yes, I’m pro-choice, and so should everyone with a heart.
#13- who realy cares what Savage or Limbaugh say, listen to your Rav not these money hungry entertainers!
Ron Pual is the ONLY hope for this country, I hope he wins.
Howcome no one is talking about John Huntsman, he’s the only one with real foreign policy experience.
Santorum for president!!
Rick Perry is one big embarrassing OOPS for the GOP.
Andrea Schonberger
Come on guys and get real! Israel is a modern, strong nation not some poor third world country that really needs to depend upon the largesse of a sugar daddy for mere existence. Israel is a big boy and can take care of itself. It is immaterial to me what any candidate’s policy on Israel is. I’m more concerned about what their policy is concerning our own country. After all, they are running for president of the United States not Israel.
Voting Republican is a vote against Torah. The Republican party has a long list of positions that are absolutely coneged halacha!
no one special
Y.Gordons “penetrating analysis” is not obvious in this article. How many votes can come from the ENTIRE Orthodox community? Certainly, an amount insignificant in comparison to the number of “FRUMDEMENTALISTS” of another religion.
Moshiach Now!
Maybe our job in golus is to keep a lower profile.
Shluchim’s publicity through inviting political figures to light the Menorah is great!
But trying to push our political weight, has historicaly not really worked out for us.
a simple jew
#19 so God doesn’t have a heart
#28 are job is to mishpa on the world and actively go against the reformers who are trying to make another shas hashmad besides the fact that voting for those reshaiem is a chilul hashem. Didn’t the last Lubvaticher Rebbe encourage having the goyim keep the sheva mitvos benia Noach which acording to the gemara in chullin 92a-b the only one of 3 (out of 30) they didn’t completely break was a man marrying a man. In Addition the Biraishes Rabah says that same gender marriages was the cause of the mabul. ANd we know Chazal fault Noach for not trying to save the generation (as opposed to Avroham who we as binia Ahrovham are supposed to follow and we are not benia Noach)
the real rick perry agenda:
Rick Perry: “in every person’s heart, in every person’s soul, there is a hole that can only be filled by Jesus Christ.”
what do we make of that?
Its impossible to be frum and like Hussein Obama
Concerned for the old and poor
THe Republicans are not ashamed to declare they will cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Yes, you would let the old ladies languish in poverty and have to chose either food or medicine. THey are not embarrassed to let the corporations keep all their tax loopholes. G_d watches over Israel but who will watch over us without the basic safety net for the old and poor. Some of the Republicans and Tea Party people talk like Fascists. Eventually those right wingers turn on the Jews.
Pro Obama Health Care Reform
THose of us who cannot join the droves who get Medicaid as their perfect socialized medicine ( 100% coverage, no premiums, no limit on benefits) need the Obama Care Reform to be able to buy Health Insurance for their families. THe Republicans want to repeal it . What are we suppose to do? Can someone tell me?
#19, “Chava J”, if you are “pro-choice” then you have no business posting on a frum web site, let alone a chassidish one. Your murderous opinions are not welcome here.
The Torah treats abortion in *exactly* the same way that it treats killing an already-born ben-noach. It calls an unborn baby “odom bo’odom” — a person in another person, and just a few weeks ago we read that Hashem told Noach “shofech dam ho’odom bo’odom domo yishofech”, which the gemoro translates: he who spills the blood of a person in a person, his blood shall be spilled. That is what the Torah says American law should be, and it’s our duty to try to persuade the Americans to adopt this law.
For you to say that you have the right to abort your child is exactly the same as claiming that you have the right to kill your husband or your neighbors, or to eat treif, or to steal, or to break shabbos, etc. You don’t have that right, and if you think you do then you should keep that quiet in any frum forum.
#25, are you nuts? Do you have any idea what a hostile president can do to Israel? Who will veto hostile Security Council resolutions? Imagine what would happen if the UN recognises a “Palestinian” state, and then threatens Israel with the same treatment that Serbia got. Obama’s foreign policy guru, Samantha Power, has already called years ago for exactly that to happen, and the only reason he hasn’t done it yet is his need for re-election, and his fear that he would be impeached.
Israel doesn’t need American money, but imagine if in the next war it can’t resupply itself because nobody will sell it the arms. Remember that 38 years ago Nixon literally saved Israel from extinction. Obama would certainly not do so, and would instead impose an arms embargo! Ron Paul wouldn’t ship the arms for free, but he would certainly allow the arms dealers to sell them, because he doesn’t believe the government has the right to prevent it.
#26, so-called “daas torah”, again you show that you are the exact opposite of your name. Which Republican policies are against halacha?
#27, where did Mr Gordon imply that they need our votes? There’s nothing in the article like that.
#30, what we make of it is that boruch Hashem he believes in his religion. This is what his religion teaches, and it’s good that he believes it. You know what the Baal Shem Tov said about a balagola who doesn’t kiss his tzeilem.
#32, any right thinking person would want to cut those programs that are bankrupting America. When the taxes necessary to fund these programs rise to 30% or 40% or 50% of GDP, do you really think the taxpayers of that day will continue to pay it?! Why should they? What right does anyone have to forcibly take money from one person and give it to another? People who already depend on these programs have no choice, and have to be protected, but people who have time to make other plans have no right to expect that the future taxpayers will support them. There is nothing in the Torah to support such robbery. What safety net will exist for the poor? The same one that has always been there: tzedokoh.
#33, at whose expense do you expect to get your health insurance? Republican policies will lower the cost of insurance and make it more widely available, by removing some of the ridiculous mandates, and by allowing competition across state lines.
#32, substantiate your claim that “some of the Republicans and Tea Party people talk like Fascists”. Do you even know what a fascist is? FDR was about the closest America came to a fascist. Obama sometimes talks like one. Which Republican talks like one? And “eventually those right wingers turn on the Jews”?! In what fantasy world did you pick that up?