I can’t sleep, I’m tossing and turning, my mind is racing with all sorts of crazy thoughts. I’m frustrated, upset, and my head is beginning to spin.

I moved to Crown Heights five years ago after me and my wife (from out of town) got married. We loved it here. I work, Daven and shop in Crown Heights. I am your typical “survivor” or simple guy, one that works hard to cover my basic expenses. I'm young, full of energy and already have a small family. I feel that were ever I live I should help, care, give back and create a better community. (I currently volunteer in two local organizations.)

But recently I began to ask myself WHY?

Op-Ed: It’s 3AM… Can you outdo negative with positive?

I can’t sleep, I’m tossing and turning, my mind is racing with all sorts of crazy thoughts. I’m frustrated, upset, and my head is beginning to spin.

I moved to Crown Heights five years ago after me and my wife (from out of town) got married. We loved it here. I work, Daven and shop in Crown Heights. I am your typical “survivor” or simple guy, one that works hard to cover my basic expenses. I’m young, full of energy and already have a small family. I feel that were ever I live I should help, care, give back and create a better community. (I currently volunteer in two local organizations.)

But recently I began to ask myself WHY?

Tonight before heading to bed I read an article about the “REAL ELECTION RESULTS”, it is heart breaking. I have to admit, I did vote I thought it’s important too, I want my voice to count. But now I’m almost embarrassed to say I did. Following the article along came all your commentary. Making it worse, an Op-Ed followed talking first how upset he is with this websites posting your negative and “borderline dangerous comments”, then finishes his letter with his own “borderline dangerous comments.

Following this Shavues, a close friend of mine E. & T. B. are moving out of Crown Heights to LA. My happiness for them abruptly turned to jealousy.

WHY am I still living here? Has this town really lost it all?

It’s 3:45AM and I’m editing this letter, from the last refresh of this webpage I see over 100 comments on that article, each one giving me another reason to join my friend and move out of town.

But before I do I want to give YOU! The Crown Heights community, the ones I love and care for a job. (It’s a test for me, and job/obligation for you.)

Post a comment!

One that has some name calling… and be filled with passion (don’t you love that) of individuals, businesses and organizations that are out to help make a difference in Crown Heights, lets see if we together as a community, can out due all those negative comments with positive ones. This will help me choose to stay in this town, or leave.

Wishing you all a happy and a healthy Shavues
Yours truly: Yisroel P.

PS. Webby! Please post all comments, I really would like to see whether crown heights is still were “G-d is still commanding his blessing”? Or is it time for me to pack my bags and leave town.

This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info nor of its Editors.

A reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard on any topic of their desire is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.


  • Despair!!!

    Totally in the same boat as you pal! I think the only thing that keeps us in CH at this point is fear of the unknown (and laziness.) G-d help our community and where it’s heading.

  • Former CH-er

    I left CH with my family about a year and a half ago after the same sleepless nights and decision making you are going through. I couldn’t be happier with my choice to leave.

    Bottom line the decision needs to be based on what you think is best for your kids in rochinious and gashmious. Never mind what anybody else (except for your wife of course) thinks.

    Best of luck to you in your decision.


    Please stay even though there are planty of issues in the community this is where the Rebbe said “kan tziva hashem es habracha” obvioulsy that doesnt mean there arent issues. for example the tznius in our community has become embarassing.
    Women walk around the streets of crown heights like they are in their own bedroom and the chinuch system has its flaws and you know what we dont live in a prefect world but that doesnt mean that it cant change.
    This is up to every indivdula person to ask themselves “BISHVILI NIVRAH HAOLAM” it is up to me and if every person thought that way and would act on that and think that what can i change in myself then it will be very different thanks for the op-ed i hope you stay!!

  • ZMA

    thumbs up for yagdil torah!
    There are many others but I want to set a tone and leave some for others!

  • we take each year at a time

    just shopped in empire kosher – they are so helpful and nice and great customer service, thank you!!
    also that linen store on kingston ave, really nice, thanks.
    and my favorite store is Benz’s, they always ask me how i’m doing.
    and i love beis rivka preschool my 2 little ones are finishing off an amazing year!!
    oh, I have nothing to do with the rest of the community elections.
    i am involved in my children’s school and shul and that’s it.
    but it works for me!

  • dont give ur advice -do something!

    i dont think the author is asking for advice if he should stay or not…. but rather hes trying to bring out a point….

  • somthing positive...

    Crown heights is so safe.
    especially kingston montgomery to crown… tonz of police there since elections, i feel so safe walking on that block

  • too embarrased it had to come to this

    I really understand where the author is coming from and to tell you the truth i was born here and raised her and now am married and have a child and with all that is happening -all that i have seen and heard and read for myself there is only one hope and that is moshiach , but until then (hopefully now) i can not (and Iv tried) subject my child or wife to this horrible situation and i am now moving . I am excited and sad that it had to come to this , but we know it is for the best. This is no place to live.

  • sheichen ha-shchunah

    I’ll begin by acknowledging your dismay over the atmoshphere of senseless sinas chinom and pirud l’vovos that seems to pervade and even dominate the social intercourse of Crown Heights. The comments section of this website is not the venue for a lengthy response but a response of some sort needs to be made. I would like to offer a counter-perspective to the yi’ush that has infected many individuals and segments of our community that is symptomatic of the times the we as community (and a people) are enduring: The Rebbe stated on numerous occasions that Crown Heights is kahn tz’vah ess ha’brocha. True, some of the circumstances, events and behavior that we have witnessed might, at times, belie the hope and promise contained in the Rebbe’s phrase but are we chassidim or just fair-weather Friends of Lubavitch – you’ll have to answer that for yourself. In the midbar the miraglim also could not comprehend the meaning and purpose of Moshe’s leadership and their fears and doubts in turn infected cloll Yisroel. This brings me to my point; The dibas ha’aretz for which the miraglim and om Yisroel were guilty resulted in forty years of wandering in the limbo between golus and the geulah sh’laima. Do yourself and others a favor by reframing your impatience and anxiety. Absent this, then leave, by all means. Even the Torah directs us to dismiss the faint of heart from the ranks on the battlefield. Re-phrase your complaints in terms that lead to practical questions on how to correct the problems and motivate others to work in cooperation towards a solution. Remember, also, that no other tiny community in the world has been beset by so many factions and so much internecine conflict and continued to survive – let alone thrive – yet we continue to grow. The truth is not the sum total of the known facts. The truth lies in the intent of the Aibershter as transmitted by our Rebbeim. And the truth of our situation is not one where the promise is refuted by facts but rather that despite the unfortunate facts (most the result of our own sins of omission and commission) the b’racha remains evident and tangible and thus a total rebuttal to any suggestion that we pull down the tent poles, pack-up and move elsewhere – either in body or in mind and spirit.

  • Basya W

    We too are a young family in Crown Heights struggling to make ends meet. As I was on the phone with my sobbing mother who missed her daughter and grandkids dearly, I asked myself the same question. Why am I here????? My consoling words to my mother were as follows:

    “Ma, you know I’d live there near you in a heart beat. In fact I live here in brooklyn where the scenery isn’t so pretty and I’m surrounded by hudlums. I have no family here helping me with two small children and this would seem to be opposite logic.”

    I then when on to say, “ I’m only here because I have a spiritual vision, and without living in Crown Heights (the boiler room of the world as the Rebbe once said) I don’t think I can accomplish that elsewhere, at least not until Hashem takes us on Shlichus to ignite the light of Torah in the hearts of others somewhere out there.”

    I tried to explain to her the pain of other mothers,who send their children to Chabad mosids, knowing that one day the child could be raising their family accross the world from them.“ at the end of the conversation, I again knew why I want to stay but unfortunately failed to make my mother feel better. My heart cries that she misses us so much, and I often shed a tear thinking how nice it would be for my children to see their bubbie and zaidy on a regular basis.

    It is hard to see the community seemingly fall apart, but we get so caught up in the negative that we forget the amazing things going on here as well. As the Rebbe says, ” A lot of light despells a even more darkness” If we focus on the wonderful things that are happening, the negative ones will go away as if they never happened. I hope this helps. All the best

  • to: something positive.....wrote

    its good to know that kng and mont are safe cuz just 2day a bochur was beaten up there for no reason.


    this is the place
    and this will always be th eplace
    MOSHIACH NIW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A 15-year-old Bochur was beaten for no apparent reason Tuesday evening. The incident happened on Montgomery Street between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues at around 10:45pm.

  • leaving for la

    my advice …. leva enow before it gets worse and is too late. you say you have a young family dont damage them by exposing your precious and holy kids to this community. it has no hope. there will never be an end to this. sorry yisroel p my advice get out now. i did and have never been happier.

  • proud crown heights resident

    Crown Heights definitely has something that no other community has. We are constantly hosting others in our homes, including tishrei, kinus hashluchim, kinus hashluchos and many pegishos. I cant think of any other community that has as much hachnosas orchim as us.
    In addition, there are numerous amazing organizations that are out there to help other in our community in need. Including organizations that help sending children to camp, assist chassanim and kallah, help families in need of food for shabbos and yomtov,and many other incredible organizations.
    As a committee member in the campfund organization, I can tell you that non of us involved make any money off the money we raise. We dont take a percentage or commission.We are doing it purely to help who cannot afford to give their children a summer experience. If one looks around they will realize how much good this community has to offer.

  • positivity

    The Rebbe’s Schuna!! lots of shiurim! lots of hachnasas orchim! i always get invited for shabbos/yom tov meals!

  • ch

    grow up people thank god no one is dying
    what do you care
    what the vaad dose or dose not do thay are crazy
    we have a many rabbonim
    you work daven and every thing els the home of the rebbe

    grow up

  • E and T B

    They are moving because he got a job there, not because this a dysfunctional community. Look at the good things in this community instead of focusing on only the negativity

  • sgh

    Shimmy Weinbaum! unlimited dedication to our children!
    Thank you thank you thank you

  • The best community

    Chevra Simcha Shabbos V’yom Tov
    Keren Simchas Choson V’kallah
    Ten Yad
    Just to name a few reasons.
    Including all the wonderful families that host tons of guest for Shabbos and Yom Tov

  • A Crown Heights Resident.

    Yasher Koach for a fine idea.

    Some of the amazing organizations that exist in our neighborhood:
    Chevra Simchas Shabbos v’Yom Tov
    Friendship Circle
    Bella, Basya, and Phyllis @ the Community Council
    The Spielmans and their food bank
    Mrs. Scheiner

    All the dedicated Morahs and Rebbes at our children’s schools.

    Charlie Buttons who brings simcha to every simcha!

    All the people who do anonymous chessed; from the person who pays for a new sheitel for someone whose only one is on it’s last legs to the person who arranges events for children erev yom tov to the person who magically drops off Pesach packages. Ask yourself when was the last time you did anonymous chessed with your time or money?

    To the shop keepers who know us by name, greet us with a smile, ask us how our children are, and who make deliveries (sometimes even as an exception on days when they aren’t doing deliveries).

    Thank you to all the wonderful people who make our community great!

  • ChabadDad

    Try to focus on the good-there is crap all over – its tough times – the grass isn’t greener somewhere else (well u know what I mean – yikes the grass is sure greener ;/ .
    With all its faults its still a super nabe to live in.
    I too did NOT vote and will not until everyone gets their act together. I have no patience or tolerance for BS let alone the yellow issues (hamavin yovin).

    On your dilemna ask others – ask true friends for advice. Ask elders you trust. Ask and inquire of some that perhaps moved back after living out of CH. I hear a few actually did..(true?).

    At the end of the day for most, and with all its faults, this is home for most especially if your a Chabadnik. ;)

  • D-A-N-G-E-R

    A place without any leadership, without a normal, calm beis din, where there is no rule of law, is dangerous spiritually.
    However, a place rife with petty and vicious machlokes is downright DANGEROUS physically to – G-d spare us!
    The REBBE said so clearly, imploring for change.
    DANGEROUS, I said! Got it, you self-righteous, all-for-the-“cause” squabblers out there? NO side of the petty squabbling is right, ’cause the squabbling is itself wrong, and very, very dangerous, spiritually and physically.
    I wish I had the ability and stamina to change it for the better; seeing how impossible that has proven over the years, I pray G-d gives me the guts and stamina to leave. To have neither makes daily living a burden. And who wants to raise a kid in the middle of this muck, when there are so many other decent places?
    But if you want positive in CH, there is thank G-d plenty of that too, as in any place where Jews live – Devorah Benjamin and her KSCVK, Rabbi Leider and his Ahavas Chesed, Levi Braud and his Yagdil Torah, Shomrim, Hatzalah … the list goes on and on; and Boruch Hashem there are also many wonderful individuals here (and many “unsung heroes”). It’s sad that the “community” (ha, ha) got hijacked by morons and mafias, but that what comes from being too nice (and the Rebbe trained Lubavitch to be that) – we were toooo nice and easy going, turning a blind eye, seeing good. Now we have been taken advantage of – and trashed (in the name of goodness, honesty, integrity and all the other catch-phrases hanging on the light poles…).
    One more point: Please send me a postcard; if I get there first, I’ll send you one!

  • The time has come

    Sadly once again history is repeating. The silent majority, the gut neshumas in CH are remaining quiet and letting the undesirables take over.

    The silent ones are suffering quietly or voting with their feet and moving away.
    It is time for a leader, a third party if you will, to standup and form the union that is needed to reclaim CH to it’s once proud former self.

    This leader has to be a smart, well known, respected person, that reflects the wants of the disenfranchised and will bring them together to form a true central council that represents the community.
    I hope that before the situation goes beyond redemption that this person will come forth and take charge.

    He’s out there and knows who he is. I say to him don’t wait step up and speak now.

  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    I’m certain the comments are very good, but since
    there are no names I hardly read any of them.
    What, is everyone running scared?
    How does a Yid know that when he/she runs away from Crown Heights that they won’t find a similar situation? How do they know if the new community won’t be boring and lethargic? Crown Heights is certainly not!


  • another good moised

    darchai menachem. dedicated staff and parents working together and educating our children.

  • I love Crown Heights

    I love Crown Heights. It has the most special people in the whole world. Where else do you find such hachnosas orchim, hiskashrus to the Rebbe, people following the Rebbe’s directives to bring Moshiach? You just have to look to find the treasures. Besides, is there any place holier than 770?

  • another good moised

    darchai menachem. dedicated staff and parents working together and educating our children.

  • To the 3am op-ed author

    I will leave you with the words of that well known song to ponder:

    What do we leave? Nothing much.
    Only Anatevka.

    Anatevka, Anatevka.
    Underfed, overworked Anatevka.
    Where else could Sabbath be so sweet?
    Anatevka, Anatevka.
    Intimate, obstinate Anatevka,
    Where I know everyone I meet.

    Soon I’ll be a stranger in a strange new place,
    Searching for an old familiar face

  • chossidfanatic

    stay away from dirty politics and any kind of discussions (mesh, non Mesh)and you are going to be the happiest family
    Many great Organizations,770,Opportunity for Hachosas Orchim,good shuls, restaurants, kosher shops, close to Manhattan (if you work on the city),close to the Ohel, JFK.
    many shiurim, easy to get chevrutos,Mashpiim(chose wise)Farbrengens,Cheiders, Girl Schools (living in other places you have to send them, etc)Rebbe’s bracha.Another point , if your kids go to shlichus, they are going to visit you very often

  • Y.L.

    I am moving as far as I can get.

    The sordid state of affairs that is Crown Heights has once again regurgitated the politics of the 1970’s. I don’t know or care for yesterday’s fights nor does most of the young generation. All the old folk in C.H. incessantly mourn the current state of affairs with our youth but what of the young generation of newly married who look at this pitiful and sad community and say,“Why are they fighting? Is there money or honor to be had at the end of all the elections and discord.” And the answer is of course that there is none. Unlike Williamsburg and Boro Park where government is milked for all its worth and where local leaders hold council with powerful officials, in Crown Heights we fight over silly titles, that no one respects. Watching these elections has been an affirmation to the Dor Hatzair in Crown Heights to “run, run as fast as you can from this sad place. Because if you don’t you to will be sad”. Sayonara Crown Heights its been nice knowing you.

  • me

    i would be happier if the snood wearing, short denim knee skirks, tichels from middle of head , way to low necklines woman leave, that would be great. In LA or Miami its maybe ok, but not here.

  • tru jew and proud

    my friend back your bags and run. i was born and raised here. i was involved in this politics all my life. i was on one side and then the othere. i saw rabbi’s come and rabbi’s go. one thing remained thruout. a group of hate mungers, chanina sperlin, mendy hendel,leroy nash, yanky herzog, yisroel sandhose ect. this group was and is involved in all the machlokes in the community. they don’t care who the rabbi is, or who you are. all they want is power and control. if you have the chance to go, run. because if you fall in to there trap you are dead. they will use anything againts there apponent. harrasment, intimidation and yes, even messira. the last election was all about change. once again all i saw was the same group behind it. say the community voted in 4 new guys, why is hertzog, sanhose and hendel hanging around. i will tell you and everyone in this blessed community what is going to happen in the next few weeks. the chanina gang will go thru all the council papers and look for flaws, they will then take it to the federal gov. and try to indide moshe rubaskin for froud. and once againd the community will be happy. this weekend markes the day the jews recieved the torah. listen when they read “ do not spill the blood of you brother” then tell me what you think. rubashkin spent years trying to make a diffrence, to help. where are all the yesomim and almonus to stand and protest his crosafiction.

  • resident

    Rather than considering leaving the neighborhood, I am considering leaving CrownHeights.info and it’s lies and slander. I could not believe that they would post such a biased article after they seem to have remained neutral throughout the entire election period! Believe me, the entire article about the break-in was filled with lies, and I am telling you this as someone who witnessed the incident. I have posted my comments about this in that article.

  • Proud Toshav

    This is your home! This is the Rebbe’s home! This is every Lubavitcher’s home, no matter on what side of the isle you’re on!

  • my love list

    cute. I like your point. I want to help you compete with positive. here’s my list.

    great people:

    dr rosen
    mr yarmush
    rabbi chyrik
    tzirel goldman
    rabbi binyominson
    shimmy weinbowm
    devorah benjaman
    great organizations

    yagdil torah
    nishei chabad
    darchai menachem
    frendship circle
    ahavas chesed

    great buissneses

    empire kosher
    empire kosher bakery
    empire kosher sushi
    the mr stores
    buncho bagle
    empire grill
    everything automotive
    everything but the baby
    kol tuv – just the hours
    sweet expressions

    nice shuls.

    bais shmuel
    bais levi yitzchok

  • Born and bread in Crown Heights B H!!

    I feel privileged to have been born and bread in Crown Heights- the Rebbe’s shchuna! Every place has its ups and downs- concentrate on the positive! and besides- these are the streets the Rebbe walked on, crown heights is the center of Chabad!

    You know what it says “the highest things fall the lowest!” Let’s all change ourselves- then slowly our families and communities will change too!

    I love the schools in Crown Heights, the shops, the streets, the special organizations and of course 770- the holiest place in the world!
    Moshiach Now!

  • make it good!

    a) we need Moshe Rubashkin back. He did soooo much good.
    b) there are incredibly inspirational people in this comunity who are humble and honest like Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, there are great schools like Beis Rivkah and Darchei Menachem there’s a shiur in 770 every Shabbos by the women. There’s Beis Midrash lenoshim. I like it here as long as I don’t hear about politics, then it hurts. ITS UP TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US TO MAKE THIS PLACE BETTER AND HOLIER.

  • same boat

    ok, here’s my question…WHERE did everybody MOVE TO?
    We too are looking…


    My Heroes in Crown Heights are:

    Shimmy Weinbaum
    Devorah Benjamin & Co.

    you can’t even imagine what these guys do.

    Thank you for keeping our community somewhat together!!!

    Who are your heroes?


    Speechless really.
    Why can’t the normal people in the community speak up?
    I’v seen what goes on behind the schenes of the council and it is not very pleasant at all.
    Every move every good progressive act ready to be done, is bashed by ‘certain’ people. Every move is a battle- for what?
    I beleive Crown Heights would be a better place if people wouldn’t just watch from a distance and their involvement is commenting online!





  • Going to the circus

    When I was young, I always went to this amazing circus. It was wonderful! It had a one-pony show that was incredible.

    As the years passed, one day the pony died.

    Now the circus no longer has a show.

    In fact, there isn’t much of a circus left at all…just a few clowns chasing after each other.

    All I am left with are those wonderful memories of the circus that once was.

  • Endless kindness

    CHers devoted to helping others

    Bike gemach

    Dvorah Benjamin

    Ahavas chessed
    Only in ch

    Simchas Bais hashueva,

    Minyanim 24

  • moshe volach

    AnswerÑ none!
    yes it hard with kosher food, with sending kids to school, etc. but the rebbe sent each one to shlichus, the bottom line you are here on shlichus, so if u wanna leave to go on shlichus some where else go.

  • It-s the best

    There’s nothing like Crown Heights. It’s up to you if you want to get involved in politics, gossip and loshon horoh. I don’t even know what’s going on and am not interested in knowing. I see many great people here who give their lives for others. There’s a gmach for anything and everything… There are chesed organizations for those in need… You have everything you need here. People go out of Crown Heights to shop – why? Why not support our own? Even if you pay a little more, isn’t it worth it when you think about the time, gas and effort spent? Don’t you feel good giving parnossoh to our own, to support the Shchunah? They need Parnossoh… the clothing stores, hardware stores-household goods, linen and even furniture-Everything But The Baby is a one of a kind place where you can get not only baby stuff but you can furnish your whole house at great prices and it’s such a heimish place, such a happy place and all the stores… they’re all always very friendly and nice to me, like family. For me Crown Heights is the best. It’s up to each one to make it the best for himself. No place is perfect.

  • Get me out of here!

    “Crown Heights definitely has something that no other community has.”

    I agree.
    We have people fighting over whether our Rebbe is alive.
    We have foreigners manipulating foreigners to beat up foreigners & locals in our Shuls
    We have Meseira & court cases on an unprecedented level
    We have 2 sets of Rabbonim.
    We have 2 community Councils.
    We have 3 girls schools, 2 of which were created out of machloykes.

    We are a living joke amongst other communities.

    This is not the Crown Heights I came to a lifetime ago to raise my kids. This is not the Crown Heights where I once ran to 770 to daven at every given opportunity. This is not the Crown Heights of the Rebbe.

  • meir rhodes-bat ayin


  • CH - Going downnnnnn

    i work with ch kids who r off the derech – its growing by the day

    the proliferation of drugs is very bad – we moved to monsey so much happier

  • Op-ed Author, what do you say?

    So, to the author… please give us your thoughts now!
    I am not a CHer, but after reading these comments, I feel like becoming one :)
    Thank you so much for this article.

  • leave for the summer

    Wherever you move I hate to say this, you will have problems. Yes we all have problems it’s not easy, so get away for the summer, I do it helps me to keep going through the year. The strange thing always happens. I REALLY START MISSING CROWN HEIGHTS!!!!!!!

  • mt

    i consider it a privelige to live in the shchuna of the rebbe.
    im not forcing my views on others, i want you to do what you think is the best, but for me, crownheights even with all the machlokes and everything, EN KEMO KAN TZIVA!

    ps. pardon my asking, what does shimmy weinbaum do? i know of mrs. benjamin, ten yad and all the like, but i never (i dont think i did ever) hear of shimmy weinbaum. anyone care to fill me in?

  • Mrs. Y. Weber


    Dear Yisroel,

    I learned the following concept when I was finishing high school and deciding where to go next:

    There are many wonderful places to consider moving to. But it really is NOT a matter of ”choosing the perfect/magic/etc. place for me.”

    Wherever I live, I have to make it work. Any problems I may have will creep into the luggage and follow me wherever I go; there’s no escaping that.

    But it’s up to ME to make wherever I live the best choice. That includes now, here in Crown Heights.

    You can do the same, without moving, as new, glitzy, shiny, and exciting as that may sound.

    Your level of satisfaction with where you live is UP TO YOU, not up to the place.

    All the best,
    Mrs. Y. Weber

  • To me wrote

    You mention that all the short skirt, tichel half off
    wearing women should move to L.A. or Miami……funny,
    we here in L.A. want these women to move to Crown Heights
    where this kind of behavior is more rampant.

  • esther

    finally something positive on this site-thank you to the author.to the rest of you who engage in sina,name calling and endless negativity-shame on you!is this what the rebbe wants?is it productive?

  • Loving it here again

    I agree with what someone wrote before – dont listen or have anything to do with the politics and you’ll be the happiest family.
    I absolutely love Crown Heights. Growing up in the schools here I had nothing to do with the politics and just loved this neighborhood. I loved the chayus of ‘us’, so many times a year so many special things.
    After I got married I -regretfully- got a little more into the garbage going on, but this article reminded me to get back to how I was in high school.
    I thrived and loved the times when the Shluchim were here, chof beis shvat and the Kinus Hashluchos, the big rallies for children outside 770 (11 Nissan etc.), Tank parades, shluchim bringing their people and being involved and helping out there…this was the life I was involved in with my friends outside school and simply loved being here.
    There is such a specialty, such a chayus here, such a depth that you simply dont find anywhere – not in other local neighborhoods and not in other cities.
    My suggestion to everyone who wants to be happy here:Stay out of the garbage. Dont touch it and you wont be dirty. Literally. Dont hear it, dont read about it – I now simply skip all articles about the elections or arrests or any headlines that has this garbage and I’m slowly coming back to love this place I loved so much before.
    Aside from the fact that “Kan Tziva” doesnt go away after a couple of years. The Rebbe said it about here and it’ll be here – we just have to focus on the ‘Bracha’ here.
    Also, thumbs up for Igud Avreichim for the special Farbrengens for Yoma Dipagra – they really seem to be trying to bring a little more light to our community.

  • Crown Street

    To Mr. Rhodes:

    As soon as we sell our condo we are joining you (somewhere!) in EY!! I agree, all Jews belong there.

    Chag Sameach, Gut Yom Tov

  • Shlucha

    As a shlucha who grew up in CH, and now lives not far from CH – I can relate to your frustration. When I see/read/hear negativity about my beloved CH, it’s so disheartening and leaves me feeling disillusioned. My solution: don’t look/listen/hear and don’t let your family/children talk about or get involved either. Even if you are not directly involved, just by talking about it – you feed into the negativity. Focusing on the positive is the best and only way! Yasher Koach for your approach. So even though there are many sad things happening in CH, our family commutes every day to CH – our kids go to school there (Oholei Torah has great rabbeim!!), and we do ALL our shopping there too! Not flatbush, or BP – CH stores have the best variety, most convenience (located near each other) and very often the best prices. There was even a writeup recently in one of the local papers about how great CH shopping is. Plus, the number of really good, special, devoted, talented and friendly people in CH outnumbers a thousandfold the misguided folk. Too bad they get so much attention.

  • Shlucha

    One more comment –
    Shame shame on crownheights.info for hanging our dirty laundry on a public forum for the entire world to read and laugh about. You are directly undermining the work of shluchim worldwide who try to present a positive image for chabad. I recommend that anyone who cares about chabad’s public image not advertise or post classifieds on this site until a period has passed when no negative hate-mongering articles are posted.
    Besides for the harm to shluchim and chabad’s image to the outside world, you are also (as is evident from this article writer’s experience) generating more negative feelings among good CH’ers about their own community – which only will further feed into the problems.
    So, crownheights.info – if you don’t care about shluchim, chabad or CH – what do you care about and what is your agenda in posting all this negativity?
    (Is it $, politics, or just plain old ego – it probably feels good to be the site that has the most juicy gossip that gets everyone talking…)
    Shame, shame…

  • the grass aint greener on the other side

    push come to shove when you need something, the crown heights community is here for you:

    when there is a kallah or chosson in need
    we have ten yad and kscvk

    when there are families in need
    we have chevras simchas shabbos vyomtov and many other organizations

    when you need a helping hand with your spoecial neshomoles
    we have friendship circle

    when ch”v someone has a medical emergency
    we have hatzalah and ahavas chesed

    when a women has a baby
    we have seudas yehudis and bikur cholim

    when we need our kids to be kept busy with the right things
    we have tzivos hashem and other wonderful activities

    a big yasher koach to all those individuals who are here for this community even during hard times.

    when someone is in need its the stores of crown heights who are giving with an open hand again and again and again

    thank you to all those stores:
    sweet expressions
    crown cosmetics
    crown discount
    judaica world
    fashion queen
    bagel store
    raskins fruit
    raskins fish
    hosiery store
    little people
    ebers liquir
    sterling electronics
    apple drugs
    primo hatters
    regency cleaners
    doar shipping center
    young timers
    linen store
    bargain center
    everything but the baby
    house of glatt
    pizza store
    kol tuv
    e & i shoes
    first quality
    kingston bake shop
    top fashion
    elite sterling
    nosh world
    auction ware
    y & B copy center
    prizes plus
    albany bakery
    shabbos fish
    sunshine pharmacy
    mr baguette
    crown kosher
    empire kosher
    the shuk
    the clean spot
    red apple
    esther deli
    empire grill
    buncho bagel

    hope i didnt forget any stores

    ive personally collected for a family in need and it was our shchunah that opend their hearts and gave what they could

    yes our community is going through a hard time but the grass aint greener on the other side and we have to daven for moshiach so we can pull through these hard times.

  • David

    leave for the summer wrote:
    Wherever you move I hate to say this, you will have problems. Yes we all have problems it’s not easy, so get away for the summer, I do it helps me to keep going through the year. The strange thing always happens. I REALLY START MISSING CROWN HEIGHTS!!!!!!!

    For those of us who work for a living without mooching off the government, that is rather difficult.

  • Suggestion

    Those of us who were made frum by our wonderful shluchim, and wish we had a community something like Crown Heights, would really like it if you moved near us. We don’t have all the good things mentioned in the above comments, but we could really use some of you to help our own communities grow.

  • get out of crown heights

    Crown was not meant a place to chill and live, the rebbe wanted the place to emptied out and we should all become Shluchim out there! The rebbe once said “Ess vet nit shatten oib s’vett nisht zein a Minyan” here in CH. So let’s get out and fight the darkness!!!

  • Boundless!

    Let the people who want to be in charge, be in charge. It’s not like they really do anything anyways and the rest of us ch’ers continue our wonderful life in this neightborhood involving ourselves in our children’s school, our home and our boundless chesed. Most people I’m associated with don’t really care or know who is what council and we frankly do not even care.


    every morning I go to Albany Bakery on Kingston Ave.
    The cashier is always extremely nice asking how I am and he puts smiles on everyone’s faces!

  • Yisoel P. (orig Author)

    I hear a request for my feedback.

    I have mixed feelings, I will wait till the comments stop coming and make a official statement.

    Just to clarify and address a few issues.

    1. CH.Info is publishing things that happened! and comments that YOU wrote. if these things didnt happen, and you dont write, you wont see this junk posted.

    2. about getting involved in politics. I am not involved, and I dont have to be to get affected by it. I heard a saying, Vote or Dye! the importance of having your say, voting, paying taxes is real and needed in this world. if i wanted i can move out into the forest chop my own trees build myself a house grow my own food and live life. But ill be living in a tree. we all are put here for a reason, and to just sit by and say i dont care im not gona let myself get affected by my surroundings is wrong.

    I want people to ask me “were do you live?” and when i say Crown Heights, they should answer WOW lucky you!

  • go thru fire and water!

    Okay. fine, your right about the point that we shdouldnt delve into Machlokes, we should do acts of chesed. but should we let the rebbes rov be publicly put to shame?! sorry. whether we sound like a yenta or we dont the truth – thats what moshe habers writing – need to go out in order to protect our community from dangerous figures (like M.H. or Y.S.) maybe we should let the kashrus tznius or chassidishkeit go up in flames, as long as were not kuching into politics and not hurting anyones feelings. I must say there are people having Mesiras Nefesh to go into the dirt(not to get dirty but to clean it up) while the rest of us are just sitting back and enjoying a ”yiddishe” life . these people should be appreciated – not bashed – for trying to fix the rebbes community. the people im reffering to that are trying to fix is the people thatdenied the elections!

  • yes for elections, but what type?

    im just quoting this comment to respond to you , yisroel p.

    normal meshichist,(no zfati, no degel,) wrote:

    just a few corrections that i’d like to make
    “no yechi is not a holy statement its a chilul lubavitch the Rebbe hated it”
    1) A. this has nothing to do with mishichistim, it has to do with a few Vilder Yingelach from kindergorten who happen to say Yechi and think that its CH“V a war cry.B. yechi is a very holy statement. i dont know, maybe you didn’t watch the rebbe videos, but i see that the rebbe definitely didn’t hate it.
    2)i just feel very bad for these ppl that got themselves into this, but hate them? i don’t. hashem hatov yechaper!

    3)to everyone who is saying: the rebbe wanted ellections every three years: i’ll make it very simple. A. it was NOT nessecerily every three yrs. B. the rebbe also wanted that we should go on Mivtzoyim and put on ppl Tfillin – one of the rebbes heilikeh mivtzahs.
    so yankel decides he wants to do mivtzoyim. So very simple. what will he do? he goes streight to 770 where he knows he can find a pair of Tfillin.( not so far fetched. huh? lol)as he walks in he sees shmerel about to put on his tfillin for shacharis. so right away he grabs shmerels Tfillin away and starts walking to the door.
    Shmerel:”Yankel, hey! give me back my tfillin!“
    Yankel:”You know that the rebbe spoke very strongly about putting tfillin on ppl without being embarrassed of anyone!“
    shmerel:” Yankel give me back my tfillin and do mivtzoyim with your own!
    Yankel:“ hey, hey! wait a second, what are you telling me? That I shouldn’t do one of the rebbes mivtzoyim?!!”

    same thing here. Yes. The Rebbe did say we should have ellections. its something very important. but in what way? Can it be something that most of the ppl involved dont agree on? can only some of the people who do want it ( for not such good reasons) just ignore everyone and announce to the innocent shechunah, who doesnt know anything about elections, that were having elections?

    These were not the elections that the rebbe would want. And btw the rebbe emphasized which elections he doesn’t want. It was exactly like this.”

  • to david

    To david. Excuse me. I should explain. I’m a nonworking mother with young children. We don’t lie on my husbands pay stubs. Every year we save to go away. My husband leaves his job for a week, and I stay for another week. It’s a short stay but it helps me to appreciate Crown Heights.



  • bob

    Man were in galus… wadoya expect??????
    i know CH is crazy but the hole world gono b crazy till moshiach comes

  • post high school girl

    To the Rhodes:
    Although i am not yet ready to settle somewhere, i know that once i will be at that stage i may be veyr interested in what you are writing. How can I find out about it?

  • Moshe Haber

    What borderline dangerous statements were you referring to?
    It’s unfair to leave that hanging. I resent it. Speak to me privately if you wish, but if you’ve only been here for five years there’s a lot you can’t know. Flippant comments are not appreciated.

  • Basya

    CH is an amazing place. There is none other like it. There are politics in any place that one will go to. (Even if Jewish day schools) We have to learn to sift through the flour, so to speak,. Personally, I have lived here about 20 years. CH has definately changed since gimmel Tammuz. However, overall this community is amazing. Many people do care about each other, respect one another. I am sorry that the elections came about the way they did this year. I hope that the RAbbanim can learn to put their differences aside and figure out ways to help this community without creating a Chillul Hashem. Remember, we just counted the days between Pesach and Shavous. One thing that I try to pass on to my kids is that it is important to have Ahavas Yisroel and respect for one anothere. After all, Isn’t that what the story of Rabbi Akiva is all about.
    Each neshama is precious and not everyone is perfect (regarding tznious and etc) We have to learn to look at individuals as people and not group them into such and such.
    The whole world is affected by politics and etc.
    Differences are what make us unique and as individuals, Yet, we have to come together and find ways to create harmony.
    This is our job in this community.

  • My Humble Suggestion

    My suggestion to the Op-Ed
    Get involved in ‘new networks’ of crown heights.
    there are awesome people doing even more awesome stuff.
    you just don’t read about it.
    so get to know these people, and create a network of friends that you feel good about.
    there are hundreds of ch families that feel disgusted about the shmutz going on but guess what? doesn’t affect them and they aren’t thinking about hitching town. so get to know them and work on creating a life and friends you are proud of.
    if this whole thing is just an excuse to move out then move out independently, not based on what anyone else says. (if you’re halfway out why should i convince you to stay?)
    but i’d love to give you my email address and help you out if you stay!!

  • Chabad of Crown Heights

    We need a Chabad house in Crown Heights! One where the misguided can come to see how it is to live a torah true way. Yes! the misguided that already live here! The ones that don’t understand the beauty of tznius… the beauty of fully keeping Shabbos! I think Bais Levi Yitzchak would make a good Chabad house. They already are running a lot of programs similar to chabad houses around the world.

  • Yiroel P. (original author)

    To Moshe Haber:

    How do you translate “borderline dangerous statements”?

    i find it interesting how non of the comments my op-ed questioned that.

    also what is it that because im only here for 5 years that i “can’t” know.

    to me a borderline dangerous statement is one that is one sided and/or filled with hate. This is my entire reason for writing the op-ed in the first place.

  • Moshe Haber

    I asked you to answer me privately. So now you’re accusing me of being full of hate!? I guess it only takes five years to think you know it all. But just so there isn’t more misunderstanding, I meant there’s a lot of history that you can’t know. Still, you can call me, I’m in thw Tzach list.