Dear Editor,

As the media (including many Jewish outlets) continue to report as fact, many baseless rumors and every negative allegation they can find regarding the Agriprocessors plant in Iowa, we feel compelled to bring to light some qualities of the Rubashkin family which the media fails to report.

We serve as Jewish leaders in our respective communities and are first hand witnesses of the kindness and selfless concern that the Rubashkin family, led by the Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, show for thousands of communities, families and individuals around the world. We live in areas with a miniscule kosher clientele, where Kosher meat and poultry is difficult to find. Knowing the importance of the Mitzvah of Kashrut, and appreciating its fundamental place in Jewish life, as emphasized by our mentor the Lubavitcher Rebbe zy"a, the Rubashkin Family always goes out of its way to ensure that the Jewish families in our outlying and far-flung communities receive quality service and fresh products that we so greatly need.

Op-Ed: Shluchim in Support of Rubashkins

Dear Editor,

As the media (including many Jewish outlets) continue to report as fact, many baseless rumors and every negative allegation they can find regarding the Agriprocessors plant in Iowa, we feel compelled to bring to light some qualities of the Rubashkin family which the media fails to report.

We serve as Jewish leaders in our respective communities and are first hand witnesses of the kindness and selfless concern that the Rubashkin family, led by the Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, show for thousands of communities, families and individuals around the world. We live in areas with a miniscule kosher clientele, where Kosher meat and poultry is difficult to find. Knowing the importance of the Mitzvah of Kashrut, and appreciating its fundamental place in Jewish life, as emphasized by our mentor the Lubavitcher Rebbe zy”a, the Rubashkin Family always goes out of its way to ensure that the Jewish families in our outlying and far-flung communities receive quality service and fresh products that we so greatly need.

They don’t do this for PR – our towns don’t give them much; they don’t to it for profits – in many instances there is actually a financial loss; they do it because they are caring Jews devoted to the welfare of their brethren. They live up to their family reputation going back generations, to help Jews anywhere, anytime, no questions asked, no strings attached.

The Chessed (kindheartedness) and Hachnosas Orchim (hospitality) of this family is legendary. No one is ever turned down at a Rubashkin home, not in Iowa, Boro Park, or Crown Heights. We are all familiar with the saying “charity begins at home”, yet their kindness extends well beyond the Jewish community. We are stunned how Jewish leaders and media outlets are ready to print and say things that hurt this wonderful family, by engaging in outright “Motzi Shem Ra” (spreading of malicious unsubstantiated rumors) without clearly establishing the facts of the cases in question!

PETA and DHS notwithstanding, we have come to know the Rubashkins – they are the exact opposite of the “monsters” the media portrays them to be.

May Hashem continue to bless them, for their success is the success of many Jewish communities.

Rabbi Chaim Bruk – Bozeman, Montana
Rabbi Berl Goldman – Gainesville, Florida
Rabbi Ovadia Goldman – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rabbi Mendy Goldstein – Naperville, Illinois
Rabbi Mendel Lifshitz – Boise, Idaho
Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn – Jackson, Wyoming
Rabbi Mendy Weinberg – Overland Park, Kansas


  • ykk683

    just take a good look at the pictures that came from iowa on may 12 2008.

    and the pictures come from iowa on jun 12 .

    the state of iowa is paying a big price for this .

    remember there is a god and all this bad people will find the way out .

    please god help your kids the jewish people and have all the mosrim get

    a MISA MESHUNA now

  • Rosey

    Thank you for taking the time to show to support to this wonderful family. This case is unprecedented in American History, and if we as Jews don’t show support to our own, notwithstanding in house differences and petty politics, we as Jews will Has V’Shalom be doomed. As we approach Gimmel Tammuz and then the Three Weeks, lets follow the Rebbe’s directives and look at one another with an ayin tov, a good eye, in order to merit Hashems rachmanas on ourselves and our children. Lets focus on the deeds of goodness and kindness and try in our own way to emulate those.
    Moshiach Now.

  • anonymous

    Finally, what is written here is only a fraction of the kindness the Rubashkin family does to the Jewish communities and individual families. May Hashem bless them that they should only grow.
    Moshiach Now!

  • well said

    Well said, its nice to see a group of shluchim who have many thinks to do and write this wonderful letter.

  • Yossy Bard-Wigdor

    It is very nice that shluchim wrote what they thing, and is sad that our rabonin in crown hights did not do more in this matter for the support for the Rubashkin family, may Hashem have mercy from all the malshenim, Hakadosh boruch Huh send reward to this great family.
    Iehy Ratzon she irvu this family vegashmiuth and Ruchanius.
    Hashem lo nishar baal chov.


    Thank you shluchim.
    its about time someone wrote such a letter, it should be sent to the whole media…

  • eliezer

    I wonderwhen people will put 2@2 toogether Iowa raid 2 Iowa flood. gd is repaying the country for their mistreatment in this case????

  • Cincinnati Anash


  • One of the shluchim

    Kol Hakavod to the Shluchim for speaking out. I join you!

    A shliach