Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Chitrik, OBM

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Chitrik, OBM, of Crown Heights at the age of 84.

Rabbi Chitrik served as the Rebbe’s shliach to Brazil during the early years. In later years, he moved to Crown Heights and was very active in community affairs.

His father, Reb Yehuda Chitrik, was a chossid of the Rebbe Rashab, Frierdiker Rebbe, and the Rebbe.

Rabbi Chitrik is recognized by many chasidim due to his permanent seat behind the Rebbe’s chair during farbrengens.

Rabbi Chitrik is survived by his wife Rivka, daughter of Reb Chaim Eliezer Karasik, OBM; his two sons: Reb Yosef Yizchok (Tzfas) and Reb Aharon (Crown Heights); and four daughters: Mrs. Esther Piekarsky (Tel Aviv), Mrs. Sarah Zalmanov (Crown Heights), Mrs. Ella Lerman (Crown Heights) and Mrs. Rochel Shemtov (Montevideo, Uruguay). He is survived as well by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren – many who serve as shluchim of the Rebbe around the world.

His departure comes only a few months after his brother, Reb Aharon Chitrik, passed away.

Information regarding his levaya and the Shiva will be posted shortly.

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  • Close friend of family


    BDE. He was a very special person, a true Chossid who never forgot who he was and where/who he came from even as he succeeded so greatly in business.

    Incidentally, Mrs Lerman’s first name is Ella. (Leah is their daughter but she is not known as Leah Lerman anymore).

  • shloime freundlich

    I remember when Sima and Yechezkel opened CAY after a few weeks some “holy” people where giving them a lot of grief .I was wondering what Rabbi Hirsch Chitrik thought about the Shul and the critics .All doubts where laid to rest when Friday night in walked Rabbi Hirsch Chitrik with the dignity poise and strength only he had ,to show his grandchildren his support. And stand behind them even if maybe the shul was a bit foreign to him. My wife and I also loved him for his love of history and stories .When ever we ate with him at the Zalmanovs we could ask him about the old country etc .Some times I knocked on his door or called his office to ask details to a story or a piece of history I had talked about with him he always answered with grace and clarity .He was one of the few real gentlemen from the world(Russia), he came from ,he never cursed etc, in Yiddish or Russian like so many others who thought it was chassdish etc .You see him in his grandchildren ,the thirst for knowledge the love of learning etc the excitement over a novel idea.