Mazal Tov! It’s a Girl!
With much gratitude to Hashem, we would like to extend a hearty Mazal Tov to the founder and editor-in-chief of CrownHeights.info, Binyomin Lifshitz and his wife Rivka (nee Kashanian) on the birth of their first child – a baby girl!
mazal tov Rivka!
Mazal Tov Im so happy for you! may you have lots of nachas from your new baby girl!
Mazal tov
Mazal tov binyomin and rivka!!!!!!!!
Asach Yiddishe & Chassidishe Nachas. I’m sure your daughter will follow in her parents’ footsteps of serving the community.
A crownheights.info devotee
Mazal tov!!
U should only see Bracha from her. Mazal tov. U make us proud.
yossi sterna and co.
Mazel tov!
Such great news! May you have only Nachas and Gezunt and Parnassa.
You should only have happy news to report.
Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! to Rivkah, Binyomin and my dear friend Rochel!!! Much chassidishe nachas.
Love your Montreal Friends
Mazal Tov, Benyomin and Rivkah !!!
S.Louis Hubers
Mazel tov! Ben and Rivka!! Much nachas always. She’s beautiful, KA”H. Mazel tov to the bubbys and zayde, too!
Boruch S Wolf
Mazel tov! lots of nachas.
Amber Adler
Mazel Tov!!!!!!!
Mazel Tov!!!!!!!
Mazel Tov!!!!!!!
Mazal Tov
Nachas and simchas always.
What a lucky little girl to have such amazing people as parents! Only nachas and good things
Chabad of Orange County
Mazel Tov! Much nachas!
Pesach Burston
Mazal Tov Binyomin and Rivka!!! Beautiful news!
Chernigov Ukraine
A big Mazal Tov!
a sach nachas!
ch dweller
YO YO mazol tov!!!!