Weekly Letter: Drinking Mashka and Guidelines Pertaining To It

In connection with the narrative in this week’s parsha where Noach, after the flood, plants a vineyard, drinks its wine and becomes inebriated – we present a letter where the Rebbe addresses the issue of drinking mashka and clarifies his guidelines pertaining to it.

By the Grace of G-d

20th of Menachem  Av, 5725

Brooklyn, N.Y.


Diemen, Holland

Greeting and Blessing:

After not hearing from you for some time, I received your recent letter. Thank you very much for the good news of your sister’s having been accepted in Gateshead.  May G-d grant that you have further good news to report in all the matters about which you write.

You refer to what you have heard about my disapproval of drinking mashke, except during farbreingen and the like. Needless to say, this does not refer to drinking wine for kiddush and havdala. Among the reservations which I mentioned, is also the situation where an objective party considers it advisable to make an exception under certain conditions. Furthermore, the restriction applies to people up to the age of 40 and the limit is up to three liquor cups (jiggers).

I was of course interested to read what you wrote about the progress of the other young people and no doubt you will continue to exercise your good in fluence to bring them even closer to Torah and mitzvos. For in all matters of goodness and holiness, however satisfactory things may seem at any particular time, there is always room for improvement.

You do not mention anything about you wife and children, form which I assume that all are well.

                                                                               With blessing,

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