Weekly Letter: Connection Between Modern Scientific Discoveries and Moshiach
In answer to the correspondent who observed the connection between modern scientific discoveries and Moshiach, as alluded to in the Rebb’es sicha on Parshas Balak – the Rebbe makes some interesting observations.
By the Grace of G-d
Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5736
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Long Beach, N.Y. 11561
Blessing and Greeting:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter.
I am gratified to note that you read the Sichot and benefit from them greatly. No doubt you mean the real kind of benefit, In accordance with the principle of our Sages Godol limud shemeivi lide masseh – in terms of the daily life and conduct in conformity with the Shulchan Aruch. And, needless to say, there is always room for advancement in Torah and mitzvos, which are infinite, being derived from the Infinite.
With regard to your observation concerning the discoveries in modern science and their possible connection with דמישחא עקבתא to which you found an allusion In the Sicha on Balak, 5736 – this idea is not original to the Sicha, for it is already mentioned in Zohar (Vayera, p.117a) though, as in many instances in Torah, it is mentioned there very briefly.
A propos of the above it should be mentioned that while the Zohar speaks there of new discoveries in the natural sciences, many scientific discoveries are actually re-discovered of things that had been known and forgotten. A classic example of this is the discovery several centuries ago that the Earth is round, and that while it is day in one part of it, it is night in another, etc. This, too, is already stated in the Zohar (Vayikra, 10a). Similarly in certain areas of astronomy, as alluded to by the Rambam (Hil. Kiddushe Hachodesh, beg.ch.11) similarly also in various areas of medicine, as can be seen from many Talmudic references, and so forth.
Among authors who made a study of this subject, Yekusiel Arye Camelhaar comes to mind.
With blessing,