Letter & Spirit: Betrayal of the Ukrainian Socialists

In this week’s edition of Letter & Spirit, we present a letter of the Rebbe in which he describes the betrayal which Jewish socialists in Ukraine suffered on the part of their non-Jewish compatriots in the aftermath of the Russian civil war. The letter was written through the Rebbe’s trusted secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel, and was made available by his son-in-law Rabbi Sholom Ber Shapiro.

The main point the Rebbe makes is that so many Jewish socialists had relied on their comrades, only to be betrayed by them. A problem which is relevant today as well: Jews cannot depend on the good graces of the nations or of their like-minded so-called “friends.”

This new weekly feature is made possible by a collaboration between CrownHeights.info and Nissan Mindel Publications. Once a week we will be publishing unique letters of the Rebbe that were written originally in the English language, as dictated by the Rebbe to Rabbi Mindel.


                                                                                                                                                 By the Grace of G-d

Chanukah, 5737

Brooklyn, N, Y.

Denver, Colo. 80221

Greeting and Blessing:

I was pleased to receive your book, which you were good enough to send me at the suggestion of our mutual friend, Prof.

Needless to say, your book evoked memories of my birthplace, the Ukraine, which is no doubt also your native land. And though I left it years after the Revolution, I vividly recall those turbulent rears. For this reason I took time out of my busy schedule to look through your book though the subject is not my field. May I commend you on the effort which you put into the said work.

I trust you will not mind my making several observations in passing.

Re Bibliography – almost all the titles are given in Ukrainian, though many of the cited reference texts were surely written in other languages as evidenced also from the first section of the book. It would have made it easier for readers and students to see the titles in their original languages.

A further point. I should have hoped that a prominent Ukrainian Jewish socialist had written on the attitude of the Ukrainian socialists to Jews, or, at any rate, to Jewish socialists. However, from his brief biography it would seem that he had nothing to say on this question. As I recall it was a painful let down and disappointment when quite a number of Ukrainian socialists appeared as active participants in the dreadful pogroms.

This matter is not merely of academic interest but quite relevant to the present. For, unfortunately, there are still some prominent Jewish socialists who place their trust in socialist countries and leaders, in the hope that belonging to the same party and “brotherhood” would discourage anti-Semitism.  Having, apparently, learnt nothing from history, contemporary Jewish socialist leaders still base crucial policy decisions on this misplaced trust.

Be it as it may, if there is among his writings or manuscripts any material that has a bearing on this subject, I hope you will publish it by way of a supplement to your book, or as a separate study, to assess the position of the Ukrainian socialists vis-a-vis the Jewish question, and, for that matter, of those other countries, including Germany.

I need hardly explain that the subject is of timely and practical importance since it affects the policy making process  of socialist leaders in Eretz Yisrael who still nurture hopes in their colleagues in Austria, Scandinavia and elsewhere, and in their Jewish counterparts – despite past disappointments.

I cannot bypass the opportunity without mentioning that Jewish experience in our own times has again, and all too sadly, confirmed the truth of the statement: “This (Jewish people) is a people that will dwell alone, and will not be recognized among the nations” (Num. 23:9). The sooner Jewish leaders, and Jews generally, realize that we cannot rely on the “kindness of nations,” the better will be our chances to dwell in security. It is vitally necessary that Jews everywhere should turn their hearts and minds inwardly, and strengthen their identification with our great historic spiritual heritage, which has been the real unifying force of our Jewish people and has preserved our people through the ages – a tiny minority in a hostile world.

This is also the eternal lesson of Chanukah, which we are now celebrating, the history and s significance of which you surely know.

Wishing you a bright and inspiring Festival of Lights,

With blessing,

P. S. One item in the Bibliography particularly attracted my attention, namely No. 105, which appears to refer to the religious life in the Holy Land. It brought to my mind, as I recall it, the time when the Duma of all the Ukraine was convened in Kiev, followed by a convention of Jewish leaders, among them communal leaders and Rabbis, also in Kiev. Surprisingly, these events are also not dealt with in your book, although being of the Poalei Zion you probably had closer contacts with Jewish circles.


The above letter is from the archives of Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel, a personal secretary to the Previous Rebbe and The Rebbe, whose responsibilities included the Rebbe’s correspondence in English.

Many of the letters are now being published in The Letter and the Sprit, a series of volumes by Nissan Mindel Publications.

We thank Rabbi Sholom Ber Shapiro, director of Nissan Mindel Publications and the one entrusted by Rabbi Mindel, his father-in-law, with his archives, for making these letters available to the wider public. May the merit of the many stand him in good stead.

One Comment

  • letter from rebbe about socialists

    צי דערלאזט תורה זיין א סאציאליסט

    An excerpt of a letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zy”A, to a writer in the Yiddish Forverts in Nisan of 5723/1963:

    מען האָט געצויגן מיין אויפמערקזאַמקייט אויף אייער אַרטיקל וואָס איז אויך איבערגעדרוקט געוואָרן אין דער ארץ­ישראל’דיקער פּרעסע, און דעם אָפּקלאַנג וואָס דער אַרטיקל האָט אַרויסגערופן באַ אַ טייל לייענער.

    איך בין זיכער, אַז איר נעמט זיך ניט צום האַרצן דעם נייען אופן פון רעליגיעזער פאַרפאָלגונג, אָדער ריכטיקער, אַנטי­רעליגיעזע רעאַקציע. אָבער אַזוי ווי אומדירעקט בין איך אין דעם אויך פאַרמישט, דערמאָן איך עס אין דעם בריוו. דער עיקר אָבער וויל איך ניט באַהאַלטן מיין האָפנונג, אַז דער דערמאָנטער אַרטיקל, ווי אויך האָפנטלעך די צוקינפטיקע, וועלן דערמוטיקן די גאָר פילע מיטגלידער פון די “פאָרווערטס” קרייזן אַרויסצואווייזן, אָפן און אויסדריקלעך, די טיפע ענדערונג וואָס ס’איז פאָרגעקומען באַ זיי אין די לעצטע יאָרן אין צוזאַ­מענהאַנג מיט זייער שטעלונג צו די אידישע מקורות און טראַדיציעס. און באַ אַ טייל פון זיי איז דאָס אפשר גאָר קיין ענדערונג ניט, ווייל זיי האָבן שטענדיק געהאַט אַ פּאָזיטיווע שטעלונג צו די פראַגען.

    אגב איז די גאַנצע טענה מיר אומפאַרשטענדלעך, וואָרום נאָך אין מיטן ברען פון דער רעוואָלוציע אין רוסלאַנד האָב איך געקענט פּערזענלעך פיל סאָציאַליסטן, און צווישן זיי אויך גאָר ראַדיקאַלע, וועלכע זיינען געווען טיף­רעליגיעזע מענטשן שומרי תורה ומצוה, שטאָלצירנדיק דערמיט און גלייכצייטיק פאַרנעמענדיק פירנדע פּאָזיציעס אין דער סאָציאַליסטישער באַוועגונג אין רוסלאַנד. אויב עס זיינען נאָך דאָ אַזעלכע וועלכע זעען דאָ אַ קאָנפליקט פון גרונט­אידייען, קומט עס פּשוט פון אומוויסן, אד”ג.

    (ממכתב י”ג ניסן, תשכ”ג)

    איך באַשטעטיג די ערהאַלטונג פון דעם בוך פון אייער מאַן. . און איך דאַנק אייך פאַר דער אויפמערקזאַמקייט.

    The man who sent me the letter is an Obamanite. He wants free healthcare and believes BHO will give it to him were he to – G-d forbid – become President. He also wants the Government to take the money from the rich Jews and give it to the poor, many of whom never worked a day in their lives… He sees this letter as “proof” that Torah and Socialism can go hand in hand, and that his (the man who sent me the letter) beliefs as a Socialist are not contrary to Torah.