Top: Howard Frank begging outside 770. Bottom: The Gowanus Canal.

DA to Revisit Mysterious Death of 770 Beggar

The Brooklyn District Attorney’s office said on Tuesday it will take another look at the mysterious death of 55-year old Howard Frank, a 770 beggar who owned a million-dollar photo collection.

From VIN News by Mitch Stern:

Frank was an Orthodox Jewish beggar who also happened to own a multimillion-dollar celebrity photo collection. On June 29, 2012, he was found dead in the Gowanus Canal.

Frank’s death was originally ruled a suicide by the NYPD, but those who knew Frank, including his estranged brother, Robert, told police Frank wasn’t suicidal. They said Frank feared he would be killed in the two weeks before his death.

Frank’s collection contained 40 years’ worth of rare, celebrity snaps, ranging from the 1950s through the 1990s. The collection was kept at Stop & Storage in Bensonhurst.


  • please

    this is being backed by the OTD anti frum movement to try and put more frum people in jail

    one big conspiracy

  • levi

    he wasn’t a 770 shnorer.He belonged to a shul in flatbush and made rare guest appearances in 770

  • The truth can be frightening

    it doesn’t matter who did it if Someone Ch”v killed him or had him killed Frum or not he or she needs to be caught & Punished!!