Hate is the name of their game, the infamous Westboro Baptist Church travels around the United States and under the banner of the freedom of speech they spread their hate filled message, be it at a Shul in Boro Park, a Chabad House in Long Island, or the funeral of a fallen soldier, they picket and shout adding pain and hurt to the bereaved.

Where is the Line Drawn? Hate Group Posts Anti-Semitic Video

Hate is the name of their game, the infamous Westboro Baptist Church travels around the United States and under the banner of the freedom of speech they spread their hate filled message, be it at a Shul in Boro Park, a Chabad House in Long Island, or the funeral of a fallen soldier, they picket and shout adding pain and hurt to the bereaved.

In their latest onslaught of all things decent they posted a video on their website depicting Jews in an extremely vile way. In the video they sing a song to the tune of Hava Nagila with words like “Israel, your doom is coming, makes us so happy…” and they even threw President Barak Obama in the mix too.

When is the line crossed and no longer considered free speech, and called what it really is? Anti-Semitic hate.


  • robert pickle

    Not much difference in that and this……“It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not—they will be killed.” (Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma’ariv, October 6, 2004)

  • stupid

    this is from people who don’t even know their own belief. Isn’t this the whole point in j dying was to save them. The romans where the actual murders. j comes from the jewish people, so their makeing fun of their own leader.

  • Loosers...

    How Come thous animals are not showing their Face? Because they are Looooosers and have nothing better to do with their time….

  • It-s ironic...

    It’s ironic that they only start dressing tzniusdik when it comes to bashing us.

  • Those who cannot remember the past......

    It’s hard to believe this is America
    There truely is evil in the world
    I don’t know how these demons can call themselves human
    they would destroy the world to worship an idol and be glad for it.
    I feel sorry for the Christians, for the bad name these white supremist neo-nazi klansmen give them in their transparent pretense. Their unbridled hatred goes far beyond the intent of free speech.
    Maybe we do need another civil war in this country
    “…are condemmed to repeat it.”

  • Hesus killer

    Lol, this is funny! I was laughing the whole time. Thanks for the entertainment.

    Oh, why are you people so surprised? These kind of people always existed, you just never went onto their websites. There’s about 100 different neo-natzi groups that have similar websites. Just do a search on google…

  • Yitz L.

    I’m glad that just our existence pisses these people off. It makes my job easier :).

    You could tell that there were no Jews involved in making this film as the lyrics were terrible, the graphics were bad and all their material was extremely cliche.

  • Tova

    It’s them who think this is funny. There’s really nothing to laugh about as there are enough people who are taking this seriously. That is the world we are living in, the world we are growing jewish children up in. It represents a tendency which is growing worse, something just to be aware of.

  • gehenim awaits them

    They are a horrible group with a lot of hate videos on youtube. They preach against american soldiers. They preach against gays and Jews. The grandfather of this church announced that the holocuast never happend.
    In all the cities that they go to, to protest, there are massive demonstrations against them. In this video they are saying Israel is doomed but in all the other videos they say doom is coming to America. They also said thank god for sept 11. Hopefully whoever watches this video will realize that just like their other videos are so full of garbage, how much more so this one.

  • ditto to vomit-worthy

    To “Hesus killer”,
    I think we all know it exists without giving those sites more support by visiting them.

    And y this is on a Jewish site is beyond me. Wouldn’t they be happy to know were giving them the time of day. We know ppl. hate us without needing to see such a vile thing to make our lives just a little bit happier.

  • Milhouse

    What part of “Congress shall make no law..abridging freedom of speech” do you not understand? There is no line. Hating people is not a crime, and cannot be a crime. They have every bit as much right to hate us as we do to hate them.

    But why are we even discussing the so-called “Westboro Baptist Church”, which is really just the Phelps family? They are not any kind of threat to us or to anyone else. They’re just one family that get their entertainment by pushing people’s buttons, and get their income by suing those who are provoked into attacking them.

    They thrive on attention, and the ONLY reason they do this is to draw attention and get people talking about them. If everybody ignored them they would stop doing this, because it would no longer be fun for them.

  • michael moore

    I don’t understand why people wana close their eyes and just complain why this this stuff is on the website we need to use the freedom of speech for our benefit and fight back and keep america safe for jews and not let it become like europe YOU CANT CLOSE YOUR EYES FACE THE FACT they are still around and let’s stop the cancer before it spreads to the whole body

  • Milhouse

    They are not a cancer, and they’re not spreading anywhere. They are ONE FAMILY, and they’ve been at this for decades without spreading, so there’s no reason to worry about them. If everyone ignored them they’d go away. Better worry about Michael Moore, who IS a cancer.

  • Zundel

    They could use a bit of JEM talents to make a decent film, and a good songwriter to fix the words to this retarded song.
    Seriously, where is a vaad ruchni who says what may or may not be on a Lubavitch oriented site?

  • Ruben

    Unfortunately, by putting this video up, you give these people exactly what they want – attention. I’m in Kansas City, and they picket our Shul every chance they get…and what do we do? We Daven, we praise G-d and wait for Moshiach!

  • moshiach is coming

    they’re gonna change thier minds right when moshiach comes.
    and then we won’t have to hear these kinds of stuff!

  • Enough of your opinion

    So don’t worry about theses avowed murderers, “they’re not a cancer, and they’re not spreading”, but worry about Michael Moore? You are truely a nutjob.
    “if everyone ignored them they’d go away”
    Wow did you have any relatives in Europe in the 30’s?
    That worked out great huh genius

  • Milhouse

    Avowed murderers? Whom have they admitted killing? For that matter, whom have they killed without admitting it? There’s a nutjob here all right, and it ain’t me. Stop worrying about this one family who aren’t even trying to convince anyone, let alone succeeding, and start worrying about real propagandists like Michael Moore, who hate America and the freedom that we have, and are actively spreading that hate.

    As for Europe, what has that got to do with the Phelpses? They’ve never even BEEN to Europe. If you worry about a repeat of the National Socialists, then worry about socialist propagandists like Michael Moore.

  • Tova

    The thing is, videos as this one can be viewed everywhere and applied to Jews everywhere. Unlike Anti-Americanism, this is so specific. It makes it easier and more normal for antisemites in Europe to spread their filth and stand to their opinion in public. It’s troubling me because I’m sitting in a European country and I know there are plenty of people around me who would love (*shudder*) this.

  • Timothy Phelps

    This is beautiful stuff I’m reading here. We make these videos so that we can state the simplest of truths in a manner that compels the world to see it. Your own prophets did the same thing — as they were commanded to do by God. We will put this cup to your lips and you will drink from it!Now for a reality check. Here’s how it will go. Barack Hussein Obama is going to convince the Jews to trust him in a peace process … and he will create the facade of peace. Then his primary platform will be destroyed utterly and he will be remade as leader of the world. Then, he will lead all the nations to march on Israel and wipe out nearly every Jew in the earth. The Holocaust (which our pastor has NEVER denied — only articulated as God’s wrath on an unrepentant race of perverts) will look like a backyard tea party by comparison. WBC will do NONE of this … but we are telling you plainly that it is coming.