Melava Malka and Yud Alef Nissan Video

A group of Yungerlite organized a Melava Malka and Chassidishe Farbrengen this past Motzai Shabbos where the newly released JEM video of the Farbrengen with the Rebbe in honor of the ‘Shnash Hashmoinim’ was played.


  • MK

    Kol Hakavod to sl and yb for there constant “ibergegebenkeit” ltoivas Lubavitch, Vyhi Ratzon shemimenu yiru vchein yaasu!

  • you know me

    thank you sbl for a wonderful chassidishe evening. may we be zoche to be at a ‘live’ farbrengen with the Rebbe in the near future.

  • i was there. an uplifting experience

    sl knows how to run a project! If I can say so, the Gashmiyus matched the Ruchniyus….

  • yodu lishmecho

    where was the “CHSAIDISHE SHUL” Ach Tzadikim or minyan avreichim?
    or is it not Frum to Watch a farbrengen of the Rebbe?
    maybe the rebbe was to modern for them?