Melava Malka and Yud Alef Nissan Video
A group of Yungerlite organized a Melava Malka and Chassidishe Farbrengen this past Motzai Shabbos where the newly released JEM video of the Farbrengen with the Rebbe in honor of the ‘Shnash Hashmoinim’ was played.
Shluchim Office
Sassonkin! I see youre taake up there in Lubavitch! Zayer Shain!
Kol Hakavod to sl and yb for there constant “ibergegebenkeit” ltoivas Lubavitch, Vyhi Ratzon shemimenu yiru vchein yaasu!
you know me
thank you sbl for a wonderful chassidishe evening. may we be zoche to be at a ‘live’ farbrengen with the Rebbe in the near future.
i was there. an uplifting experience
sl knows how to run a project! If I can say so, the Gashmiyus matched the Ruchniyus….
yodu lishmecho
where was the “CHSAIDISHE SHUL” Ach Tzadikim or minyan avreichim?
or is it not Frum to Watch a farbrengen of the Rebbe?
maybe the rebbe was to modern for them?