CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — The Hall at Beis Rivka began to fill with Bochurim from all over the world as the Kinus commenced. As Rabbi Yossi Lew of Atlanta, GA stood up and opened the Farbrengen, the excitement could be felt in the air.

Thousands of Bochurim Attend Yud Shvat Farbrengen

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — The Hall at Beis Rivka began to fill with Bochurim from all over the world as the Kinus commenced. As Rabbi Yossi Lew of Atlanta, GA stood up and opened the Farbrengen, the excitement could be felt in the air.

Rabbi Lew introduced Nochum Bernstein, nephew of Levi and Nosson Deitsch A”H, who lead the Bochurim in Tehillim. The Dvar Malchus was delivered by Hatomim Menachem Altein of the Yeshiva in Morristown.

Reb Yoel Kahn underlined the importance of each Bochur understanding and feeling the special personal connection he has with the Rebbe.

The video of the Rebbe, a Sicha from Yud Shevat 5735, the Rebbe explained that when we understand that even today, through living by the Rebbe’s directives, the Rebbe is here with us today, between this gathering of Chassidim. Footage from Yud Shevat 5751 was also shown.

After the video, the Bochurim broke out into an inspiring, lively dance.

The main address was delivered by Rabbi Moshe Wolberg. Farbrengens followed and went throughout the night. Hundreds remained to Farbreng with Rabbis Shlomo Zarchi, Moshe Wolberg, Berel Lazar, Yossi Lew, Yossel Cohen and Nachman Tewerski.

The Vaad wished to thank Mr. And Mrs. David Slager, the Kinus sponsors, as well as the many other people that made this event possible.