Crown Heights PAC Announces Election Endorsements


The Crown Heights Political Action Committee, The Crown Heights PAC, has released their election endorsements for the upcoming political election.

The Crown Heights PAC, which includes only approximately half of Crown Heights’s activists, has been signed on by three of the new Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights.

The Crown Heights United endorsement list can be found HERE.


    • Well, gee…

      If no one votes for him, then he can’t win. So let this so-called PAC and others like it in Jewish Brooklyn work to get people to vote for him! Furthermore, even if it doesn’t work, it would put Clarke on notice that she can’t just take our votes for granted, and that she needs to support our causes and oppose those that are against us.

  • Ben

    Oh no! They messed it up again.
    Just find Donald Trump on top row and vote for him and all those down the column.
    Republican or Conservative.
    Also, vote No on the propositions.

  • Old Timer

    Please vote “no” on all the propsitions; they are all City Council power-grabs. We need less regulation and government interference.

  • Daniel Botnick

    Re: Clarke – are you nuts? No friend of ours! Hakores hatov!!???! She done NOTHING for the shchuna. And what about the other props? Were the honorable members of the PAC able to read them?

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