The Crown Heights Bais Din Puts Out Urgent Call For Tefillah
The Rabbonim of our Shchuna, Horav Avrohom Asdoba and Horav Yossef Yeshaya Braun, have reached out to the entire community asking to join in a Yom Tefillah.
We join the plea of the Mechanchim and Mosdos leaders, alongside our children’s Neshamos crying out: Make Tomorrow a ‘Yom Tefilla’ dedicated to Tehillim, adding in Torah Tefilla and Tzedoka to annul the Gezeira against our pure Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh.
While this battle is ongoing, Kitrug, Tomorrow, Thursday is specifically urgent as at 1:30 our claims will be brought before a judge and we need much Rachamei Shomayim!
The Rabbonim added that with this being a Yom Segula, the Zechus of all who join the new cycle – the Rebbe’s Takona of learning Rambam – will add the power of Torah tenfold! Our future is in all your hands! We will forever be indebted to you for your Torah, Tefilla, and Tzedoka tipping the scale.