Crown Heights Schools Receive Large Donation of Masks
In honor of his birthday today, the 3rd of Kislev, community activist Rabbi Lazer Avtzon, was seen distributing masks to all schools in Crown Heights.
180,000 masks were given to Bais Chaya Mushkah, Bais Rivkah, Bnos Chomesh, Bnos Menachem, Chabad Girls Academy, Chovevei Torah, Darchei Menachem, Oholei Torah, Or Menachem and the Ohel.
To date, Rabbi Avtzon has distributed over two million free masks to all Shuls and Mosdos in Crown Heights as well as to numerous Hatzalah and Bikur Cholim divisions throughout New York and New Jersey.
Special thanks to Ram Shalvi, Joseph Cohen and Solomon Suissa for the donation of all these masks.