Op-Ed: The Ripple Effect of a Kind Word – You Never Know the Impact You Have

by a Yungerman

This past Friday, as the sun set and Shabbos embraced the world, I walked to 770 with a heavy heart. A sudden family emergency had left me feeling overwhelmed, my mind tangled in worry and uncertainty. I hoped that davening Kabbalas Shabbos would offer me a moment of peace.

As I was leaving, a young man approached me. His face was unfamiliar, but his words stopped me in my tracks.

“Excuse me,” he said hesitantly. “Are you who I think you are?”

I nodded cautiously.

His face lit up. “You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Zalmen. Many years ago, were you a head counselor in CGI Montreal?”

I nodded again, still unsure where this was going.

He smiled. “I was a young camper back then—completely homesick and miserable. One day, you sat down with me, listened, and encouraged me. Because of you, I turned my summer around and ended up having an incredible experience. In fact, I later became a head counselor myself.”

I had absolutely no memory of this conversation. No recollection of what I had said or done for him. Yet, at that exact moment—when I was feeling lost and drained—his words gave me a surge of warmth and strength.

It made me realize something powerful: we have no idea how much our words and actions can impact others. The small things we say, the moments we pause to give someone our attention—these can shape a person’s life in ways we may never know.

A simple kind word can change everything.

Think about someone who once made a difference in your life. Have you ever told them? Not because you need something now, but just to let them know?

You never know what someone is going through. And you never know how a single moment of kindness—shared even years later—can lift a soul.

So take a moment. Reach out. Say that good word. You may never know its full impact, but rest assured—it will matter.


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