The Jew Project: R’ Avraham Feldman, Chabad of Iceland

The Jew Project, created by photographer Yisroel Teitelbaum aims to unify the Jewish people through documenting the lives of individuals. To read more on The Jew Project Click Here.

Rabbi Feldman was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. His grandparents came from Russia and Poland; his grandfather surviving the Holocaust.

R’ Feldman’s father was drawn to The Lubavitcher Rebbe OBM, and R’ Feldman was raised as a Lubavitcher. Inspired by the Rebbe’s mission and vision, R’ Feldman volunteered as a teenager providing Jewish needs and services to Jewish communities within Germany, Ukraine, Australia, and Peru.

R’ Feldman met his wife Mushky, while she was living in NY. Mushky was raised in Sweden, where her family are Chabad Emissaries.

After learning more about Iceland, it was Mushky’s idea to explore becoming the first official Chabad Emissaries to Iceland. After 100 years of Jewish residency, there had never been an official synagogue or Rabbi.

After two experimental visits, the Feldman’s became the first official Chabad Presence in Iceland, in 2018.

The Feldman’s provide a warm home, kosher food, Shabbos and Holiday Tefillos, and an array of other Jewish services for the hundreds of Jewish Icelandic locals, and the thousands of Jewish tourists who visit Iceland each year.

The Feldman’s are in the process of opening the first ever Jewish Center of Iceland, which will include amenities such as a synagogue, a kosher shop, Judaica, kosher food, and a Jewish Family & Network.

The Feldman’s live in Reykjavik and can be reached at @jewishiceland

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