A Crown Heights Family Needs Your Help

The most amazing couple who just got married six months ago just got the most devastating news. They were living a happy life as they both happily married after being divorced. Together now raising their stepdaughter. Life for them changed in an instance.

Eitan was at work when he had a seizure they rushed him to the hospital and after doing many test, they found a brain tumor. They were able to do surgery as it was not large due to an early finding thinking they were out of the woods, and the nightmare would be over. The news came GRADE 4 Glioma astrocytoma. The results are not good.

They need to do intense chemotherapy and radiation but even with this it has a chance to come back with a vengeance. We need financial help at this time as a couple cannot work at all for the near or far future, please help them and donate whatever you can.

Please continue to say tehilim for Eitan Meir Ben Liora & please do a mitzvah in his zechus.

Endorsed by Rabbi Gadi Blizinsky & Rebbetzin Chani Blizinsky

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