Shocking Video Released Showing Coordinated Vandalism In 770
by CrownHeights.info
Shocking video has been released showing the coordinated vandalism that interrupted the weekly Geula U’Moshiach shiur in 770 this past Wednesday.
As previously reported on CrownHeights.info, the weekly Geula U’Moshiach Shiur that takes place each Wednesday night in the back of 770, was being given by a Mashpia of the Yeshiva and Director of Sichos in English, Rabbi Shmully Avtzon.
Sadly, some people felt that the shiur should not go on, turning over a bag filled with raw eggs and torn up Sifrei Kodesh from the women’s section onto the heads of those joining the shiur.
Surveillance video of the from the incident sheds light on the shocking incident, including how the perpetrators barricaded the doors of 770 so that the attendees of the shiur could not escape the building.
Clearly seen in the video, two masked bochurim pull up to 770 in a white van identified in the video as belonging to Meir Kabakov, a founder of Iggud Talmidei Hakvutzah. The bochurim run into the women’s section of 770, and in front of multiple women, upend bags filled with raw eggs and ripped up sefrei kodesh on the heads of the shiurs attendees.

While this is taking place, the video shows the rear double doors of 770, where a bochur identified as Dovid Vaknin brings in metal sefarim carts from outside and barricades the doors, effectively trapping the bochurim inside the back entrance. Vaknin is alleged to be one of the bochurim tasked with attending to 770’s sefarim.
The two bochurim who did the dirty deed can then be seen fleeing 770, running back to their waiting vehicle and driving off.
The shocking incident galvanized the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim, who use 770’s building as a central study hall, to publish a scathing letter denouncing the attack, noting that the bochurim who perpetrated the incident were not believed to be of the Yeshiva. But if it is discovered that they are, they can expect to be expelled.

Random guy
Thank you very much to crown heights info for publishing this.
Can we please see the full video though?
Are the bochrim part of the yeshiva?
Are they going to be arrested or face any consequences for their actions? Please keep all the readers fully updated on this important story.