BDE: Mrs. Sima Okunov, 103, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Sima Okunov OBM, a Crown Heights resident and sister of Hachosid Dovid Okunov HY”D. She passed away on Wednesday, the 20th of Kislev, 5783.
She was 103 years old.
Sima was a very special woman, wise, patient, full of love for life and never wavering in her steadfast Emunah and Bitochon. Sima was an exceptionally kind person to all.
Born in Ramen, a small town in Ukraine, to her parents Hachosid Reb Ephraim and Esther Okunov Z”L, Sima and her husband, Hachosid Reb Gedalia Z”L, sacrificed their life for Torah and Yiddishkeit while under soviet rule and the watchful eye of the KGB. Her husband Reb Gedalia learnt in an underground Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim.
She is survived by her daughters Tzila Burmistrovich (Yerushalayim), Frida Efros (Crown Heights), Sofa Burmistrovich (Crown Heights), and many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The Levaya will take place today, Wednesday, passing by 770 at approximately 1:30pm before continuing on to Montefiore Cemetery for burial.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
She grew up in the home of Reb Peretz and Henya Mochkin Z”L and was a close childhood friend of their daugther Mrs. Gutte Shapiro A”H