Yartzeit Event For Rabbi JJ Hecht OBM, and Tehillim for Rebbetzin Chave Hecht
A program will be held for the 29th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yaakov Yehudah Hecht, Z”L on Thursday, the 14th of Menachem Av, 5779 – August 15th, 2019. The program will be held at the Rebbes Ohel in Queens.
Ohel Chabad Lubavitch
226 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Cambria Heights, NY 11411
6:45pm – Tehillim and Prayers for Rebbetzin Hecht at the Ohel of the Rebbe.
7:00pm – Special Siyum Program
7:15pm – Seudas Mitzvah in the tent.
7:30pm – The legacy of Rabbi JJ Hecht, OBM.
Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, Albany, NY
Rebbetzin Malka Katz, New Haven, CT
Rabbi Mendel Hecht, Prospect Heights, NY
8:30pm – Birchas Ha’mozon
8:45pm – Maariv
9:00pm – Memorial service at the graveside of Rabbi JJ Hecht, OBM.
There will be a special children’s rally organized for all the Metro Area Day Camps to be held on Wednesday, the 20th of Av, 5779 – August 21st, 2019 at 770 Eastern Parkway, at 12:45pm.