Ukraine Yeshiva Moves to Spacious Campus
The school year commenced last Monday at Yeshiva Lubavitch Ukraine, beginning the fourth year since its founding with an added measure of excitement. The graduates of Shiur Gimmel, after three years of attaining remarkable achievements, have continued on to top yeshiva gedolas around the globe, making room for a fresh class of new and eager bochurim from all over Ukraine, Europe and Eretz Yisroel. The rented premises that the yeshiva occupied had become cramped as a result of the consistent growth in numbers of talmidim, and it became necessary to seek a more spacious campus.
On the outskirts of the city of Dnipropetrovsk, on a sprawling property lies a 2900 square meter (approx 31,000 square feet) building three-story building that formerly housed the Beit Chana woman’s college. With the recent move of Beit Chana to the city center, the yeshiva has permanently moved to the vast campus. Extensive renovations and landscaping in recent months at a considerable cost have brought about results that what would be considered luxurious by any standard. A state of the art mikvah that is nearing completion, along with the bright new study hall, roomy classrooms and comfortable dormitory rooms come together to form a fantastic permanent building for the yeshiva.
At the opening event parents and board members were greeted by the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Aaron Chazan and Hanhala member Rabbi Eliyahu Chefer, who expressed their emotional wish that the physical expansion of the yeshiva should be mirrored by a great addition on the spiritual side, with the building ushering in more intense learning and heartfelt davening. Special thanks was given to the menahel gashmi R’ Yossi Glick and his assistant, R’ Shlomo Tereshkevitch, for their dedication overseeing the renovations and so capably managing the myriads of details involved.
Members of the board, Head Shliach and Chief Rabbi of Dnipropetrvsk Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki and head of Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine Rabbi Meir Stambler, expressed their admiration and wonder at the success of the yeshiva in recent years, and especially mentioned the high standard of learning, unique atmosphere and the personal attention and care given to each individual student. They claimed all of this prompted the board responsible for the finances to arrange such a luxurious permanent home for the yeshiva.
Rabbi Kaminetzky expressed his gratitude to the third board member of the yeshiva board, R’ Refoel Rutman, for his tireless work in facilitating the move, and made mention of the prime of supporters of the yeshiva.
The added space allows the yeshiva to significantly expand enrollment in coming years and provide a non-compromising Chassidishe chinuch to the children of shluchim and Anash worldwide.
Excellent Yeshiva
Last year’s talmidim HaShluchim went above and beyond, alongside the entire staff.
Moshiach NOW
opshezhitzye nebarizhnaya
what a move up in the right direction!! always a pleasure to see how things keep moving in Dnep