Bochurim Learn Shchita in Brunoy

While many other parts of the continent continue to institute restrictions and bans on the practice, the Bochurim in Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim in Brunoy, France learned the ancient Jewish laws of compassionate slaughter – Shchita.

An experienced Shochet arrived on campus with a lamb, and demonstrated to the students the process of slaughtering and checking the animal to insure it is fit for Jewish consumption.

The event was organized by the Talmidei Hashluchim of the Yeshiva.

Photos courtesy of Anach Infos.


  • Ch guy

    Yet another example of why my entire family, my wife, and kids are all proud Chassidishe vegetarians. Lots of us here in CH…more than you’d think.

  • chaim

    Whats chassidishe about being a vegetarian?? You have an hadracha which isn’t excepted by most frummier yidden. Maybe the your korbon pesach will be made at of tofu?

  • Moishele

    Not every vegetarian is a PETA activist. There is little reason to be mehader in being a carnivore…as the Gemara says, Am haaretz ossur le’echol bossor. As long as someone is not being a vegetarian with an ideological mission to say that Shechita is wrong, tovoi olov bracha. Gedolei Yisroel through the generations ate very little meat, if at all. The Alter Rebbe writes in Hilchos Shabbos that if someone doesn’t enjoy meat, there is no need for them to force themselves to eat it, and they should eat what is pleasurable for them. And many other examples can be brought.

    Being a yerei shomayim should not be equivalent with fressing fleish without thinking twice about it, and it isn’t. But we behave like it is.

  • Anonim

    Couldn’t they schecht some French Islamic extremist instead of a sheep this time?