Sukkos Joy in Monsey Marred by Extremism

The immense joy of Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Monsey, which was organized by the local Chabad Kehillah, was momentarily interrupted by extremist demonstrators from Neturei Karta, who viewed the Yomtov celebration as ‘heresy.’

The event was hosted in the large Sukkah of Kehilas Kashou in Monsey, who rented the space to the smaller Chabad community. This incensed the extremists, who viewed the Kashou Kehillah as their natural allies against the “Zionist Missionary Lubavitchers.” They applied pressure to the leadership of Kashou to cancel the reservation, but to no avail.

Last night, Monday, several Neturei Karta demonstrators stood across from the event and held signs with messages such as “we protest the Kashou Kehillah for giving space to the heretics. One who befriends a ‘Rasha’ is just like him.” Another sign read “Jewish children, distance yourselves from the impure Lubavitcher heretics,” while yet another read “The impure must leave: missionaries of the ‘Klipah’ of Lubavitch who deny in the G-d of Israel, do not defile our camp.”

The protesters chanted hate-filled epithets against their fellow Jewish celebrants, and sang “may the memory of Amalek be blotted out from under the heavens.”

Despite these provocations, the Simchas Beis Hashoeva celebration went on unimpeded, amid an atmosphere filled with great joy, dancing and brotherly love.

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  • first

    lol nuteri karta. I think they might have some extra chromosomes in their gene pool

    • I Wanna Ring Ding

      I think they might be short a few chromosomes. It’s a very shallow pool.

  • CR

    I am not going far out on a limb to suggest these shkutzim have not a single, solitary drop of Zera Yisroel among them.

  • Cholent Mit Kugel

    I like his plastic rain shtrimel covering. I hope someone vomited in it. Gawd! What a bunch of sourpusses!

  • Chavivi

    Very sad. We need to take care of each other. There are enough haters in the world.

  • Avi

    This Simchas Beis Hashoeva was organized by the famous Heichal Menachem in Monsey leaded by their Mora deasra Rabbi Gedalya Oberlander, a respected Rabbi by all other communities in Monsey, and that’s why the lunatics where so angry.

  • yitz

    The genius of superstition is to take a person who is perfectly healthy and make him believe he is sick, to take a perfectly healthy edible and make us believe its contaminated to take a well-intentioned scientist and make us think he is evil in his endeavor to prolong life and minimize suffering

  • Henya Laine

    Way to go
    By demonstrating these creatures are giving Lubavitch and Simchas Bais Hashoava great exposure..
    NO ONE cares what they say.

  • to be more accurate

    the Simchas Beis Hashoeva wasn’t organized by the local Chabad Kehillah – it was organized by Heichal Menachem, the Shluchim Rabbis Gedalya Oberlander (Rov of Heichal Menachem), and his son Rabbi Dovid (the director).

  • Joel144481

    I’m not particularly religious and I am sure these fanatics regard me as a goy but I consider myself a good Jew. These people have perverted our religion and cause many non-Jews to regard all of us with a jaundiced eye.

    • lol

      the chilul hashem thy have comited when thy demonstated in Paris with the pro palestinians just confused all the goyim

  • Henyabatyana

    soooo sad!!!! why this hate?? don’t we have enough outside hate. why hate from our own. very sad to me

  • Samson

    Neturei Karta stands WITH the PLO, Hamas and terrorists against their fellow Jews; in fact they should not be considered Jews and should not be allowed in Israel at all. They are a disgrace and even worse, they contribute funds to the terrorists who have the blood of Jews on their hands. Do you doubt it? Just ask them! They are proud to be enemies of the Jewish people and allies of the Amalakites!

  • These psychopaths

    are impeding the coming of Moshiach! They would
    probably protest against Moshiach as well. Our
    Ahavas Yisroel prompts us to wish them a refuah
    shlemah uk’rovah.

    • Moshiach??

      I’m sure G-d doesn’t consider them more than a droplet of water in all the oceans. They are less than nothing and totally irrelevant aside from their clear sina and their insane fanaticism. I don’t think they are 100% Jewish, I’ll bet some of them are goyim down from their altere bubbies.

      I don’t blame THEM that Moshiach hasn’t come yet. I blame all of us. Don’t give them so much “:credit” or power by making them out to be important.

    • This is good

      When they start ruining heimishe, holy fun for G-d fearing Jews, they will turn on these lunatics & try to throw them out of their schools, shuls etc Send them to Guatamala with the other nutcases.

  • Mishagas stupidity

    why are you giving coverage to these crackpots yes crackpots & phonies they’re not yidden as no real yid would kiss arafat & the arabs stop publicizing these… crackpots stop giving them a voice etc!!!

  • Ma Rabbi

    This is sad. Do these people really believe what they are saying or are they just crooks that someone paid to do this.

  • Anita

    Really, gentlemen… Really?! I was so naive thinking that I had nothing to fear from someone of my own faith… Thank you for the lesson on judging a book by its cover.

  • lol

    Love this, where are thy gooing to daven now? when all shuls dont accept the neturei karta and are thrown out off there shuls, thy came to daven in Lubavitch the only place where you are not thrown out (Europ-Belgium-Antwerp)

  • Anonymous


  • Great Old times

    This brings us back the old memories of Williamsburg in 1977. I guess they haven’t grown up

  • A Shailoh of Zay

    They definitely don’t have one of the attributes of a yid, which is rachmanus – as demonstrated with their marches with the PLO terrorists, their empathizing with them and all their comments. If they are yidden they must be gilgulim of the Airav Rav – all the tzoros and problems that befell the yidden in the desert (and even before that) was initiated by the Airav Rav.

  • crazy

    they’re just a bunch of sick animals with nothing to do with the lifes there’s nothing but a bunch of disgusting people

  • chayaf

    It is written in the “taamei Minhagim” in parshas vayishlach that after meeting yaakov, ( the force of holiness) esav ( the forces of kelipah) offered to “leave some of his men with him”., which Yaakov graciously declined. The sefer understands this in kabbalistic terms to mean that the koach of the heilige baal shem tov and Chassidus was so great that the sotan complained that he too wanted his own “chassidim”, hence these people you have read about, ie. “neturi karta”. I leave you with your own conclusions, as I think the sefer says it all.