Greetings from Kona, the Big Island of Hawaii

With the first week just come to a close, Yeshivas Kayitz Hawaii lived up to the great expectations that preceded the Bochurim’s arrival.

With the first week just come to a close, Yeshivas Kayitz Hawaii lived up to the great expectations that preceded the Bochurim’s arrival. With intense days filled with learning and Davening including stimulating Shiurim on Maseches Brachos and an inspirational daily Pirush Hamilos Shiur from the Rosh Yeshiva R’ Yekusiel Kalmenson, besides for the Shiurim in Chassidus given by the Mashpia R’ Tzvi Kraznjansky and fellow Yoshvim to set the tone for the day, the physical beauty of their surroundings was surpassed only by the wondrous spiritual atmosphere. As boys finished their Seder, many of them chose to go outdoors and pick guavas off trees surrounding the Zal!

The Bochurim’s inaugural outing was to hike phenomenal Waipio Valley fording rivers and climbing boulders to reach the awe-inspiring 1600 foot plus waterfall, helping them to genuinely appreciate and internalize the words of their daily Davening, “Mah rabu ma’asechu Hashem…”. The Bochurim then went swimming under this incredible waterfall.

Following their amazing outing to Waipio Valley, the Bochurim hiked to an isolated black sand beach (another unique landscape found in few places in the world outside of Hawaii).

Finishing off their exciting opening week in Hawaii, the Bochurim created another historic first on this island: the first-ever Yud Beis Tammuz Farbrengen this tropical island has ever seen! After watching the Rebbe Farbreng on JEM’s new Farbrengen video, the bochurim were privileged to hear Rabbi Itchel Krasnjansky, the head Shliach of Hawaii (who flew in from the island of Oahu to lead the bochurim in a moving farbrengen), exciting the Bocurim by offering $180 cash for those that finish Maseches Meilah Bal Peh, in addition sharing chassidishe mayses of an earlier era.

Tired in body, but satiated in soul and spirit, the boys concluded the week by going on mivtzoim, reaching out to the local island community of Yidden, giving the Big Island an eyeful of chassidishe bochurim, the likes of which has never been seen.

They greeted Shabbos with a beautiful Kabolas Shabbos and enjoyed a delicious Shabbos meal with singing soulful Niggunim and hearing Divrei Torah.

After an extended morning Chassidus in honor of Shabbos followed by a beautiful Shachris and again a beautiful Shabbos meal turned Farbraingen (again with rabbi krasnjansky) time flew by with Mincha, Seder Nigunim and Ma’amer, Mariv, Havadala and Malava Malka (yep, its pizza here as well).

All boys past both Chassidus and Nigla tests, proving a successful first week of learning.

After waiting anxiously, the sports teams were divided. After the first competitive game played by the teams, Talmidim enjoyed a BBQ by a local Jew’s waterfront house. They went swimming, watched sunset and enjoyed the tasty food around a campfire. Like all Chasidishe gatherings, it quickly turned to a Kumzits of Niggunim, stories of Tzaddikim, and all-time favorite camp songs were sung (the little bird, it happened Yom Kipper…).

After another day of intense learning and fun, Bochurim appreciated a pre-fast Meal, with lots of water to hydrate and prepare them for the next day.

The fast of Shiva Aser B’Tamuz was as should be, with Slichos, Divrei Hisororus and selected videos for the Bochurim to help keep their mind away from there grumbling stomachs. At the fasts end, Talmidim were awe struck by the amount of food prepared for them, all while be encouraged to eat slowly to ease the transition.

The Kayaking trip – an incentive for those who learnt well and kept Shemiras Hasdarim – went to the next level when they spotted dolphins doing jumping tricks just a few feet away. All this just a beginning to an extensive swim in snorkeling gear to view the tropical fish and coral reef famous to these parts.

This is beyond doubt Moshiach’s tzeiten, when we see the fulfillment of Moshiach’s prophecy to the Ba’al Shem Tov of “yafutzu ma’ayanosecha chutza” – because, as Rabbi Krasnjansky emotionally shared with the bochurim, it doesn’t get much more “sof ha’olam” than Hawaii!

This groundbreaking achievement would not be possible without the efforts of many people, but the unending and extraordinary hard work of Rabbi Avremel and Rivky Chazanow continues to inspire all who are witnessing and experiencing the results of their dedication to the Rebbe’s shlichus of preparing the world for the coming of Moshiach!