Car Smashes into Tree on Eastern Parkway
A gray Toyota with Maryland plates smashed into a tree on Eastern Parkway between Kingston and Albany at about 9:30 this morning.
The driver was taken by ambulance to Kings County Hospital.
It appears the vehicle veered of from the opposite lane, heading west, and crashed into a tree on the south side of the parkway.
The NYPD in investigating the cause of the accident.
it was not a expensive car
It actually happened at 8:30 not 9:30
thank G-d 4 trees , if not who knows when and were the car would stop ?
hashem yeracaim
Could you imagine if trees smashed into cars?
oh my
oh my!
To "Thinking"
It happens, usually when it’s very windy.
He reportedly told the police “I thought I saw Elvis”. Investigations are ongoing. The driver has been told not to leaf the country.